So watching the latest replay of the COL council meeting I was really touched by one citizens comment. A long time resident that had the same feeling I, and many of you have driving down Ludington Ave west, WOW, what a beautiful view!

The courage it takes to speak in public in front of the big bad council in Ludington that think they are above all, constantly rolling their eyes. I respect her courage, myself I would have a hard time not getting mad and not spewing expletives! So Dianne Neil Engblade, thank you for your strong steady voice, I may need to hire you to speak for me in the near future?

Now Shay gets up to speak and in his melodramatic tone says all kinds of stuff. Finally in seeming response to her comment that nothing would be taller than him, what a liar! I see he wants a kayak rental, and many other things like that there and as XLFD has pointed out there would be tents/canopies, etc that would block her view. DAMMIT John Shay, this lifetime taxpayer matters and you need to recognize her and the many others that may be intimidated by you and the other council and don't speak out! For me to say this is a DAMN shame, government is "of the people for the people!"  When will they realize this? I wish everyone had this womans courage! It is a city of 8000, everyone needs to work together.

Ok back to the kayak thing. Seriously? Where are these people supposed to kayak? I have a brilliant suggestion, one we were going to do before the WWTP blew out along with 15 plus million gallons of raw sewage in 2008 that is still there! Put it by the DNR/city ramp in the PM Bayou corner, of course after you clean it up. It is a start toward your master plan to develop this whole area as historic. If they kayak at the west end area and one goes out past the breakwall, waves kick up and they capsize then what? It is an insurable night mare! No way should this happen or the city approve kayak rentals there. On accident and millions will be lost. Kayaking in Lake Michigan or that close is a ridiculous idea period! Kayaking needs to start at the corner near the creamy corners drain!

The PM Bayou is where this should happen and what I spoke to Shay about in 2013 when dredging was being considered. I told him of our willingness to sell property to help things move along but do not agree with anyone there needing "skin in the game" since we did not ruin our properties, the WWTP, sewage line break, COL, Mason Cty, etc, did.

Seems to make more sense, spread the greater good, a project like this would add jobs, tax base and maybe even open a few more businesses and expand the population.

I remember as a kid working at the marina making some money from boaters helping them with my cousins then walking up to the party store on 1st street getting slurpees, pop, candy, etc, this is what Ludingtion is about, but only if as a whole city not just Shay and the COL's picks!

Back then times were so much better, there were people working to bring everyone up, not just their wealthy friends. Need to get back to our roots!

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One way to get around it is fairly obvious and quick:  if you want to change how things are done in Ludington, change the people in charge. 

Run for office, there are five city council positions opening up this year, or encourage someone from your ward to run who feels like you.  Support others who run that offer real solutions and are wisely against the status quo, which as you have noticed, is vigorously supported by our local media, outside this venue.  Oppose the voices of unreason, be the change you want to see.


In the long run what X said, boot the rubber stamp do nothings on the City Council to the curb. The next election is paramount.  Replace those up for election with members who care. Effect change in the city.

In the short run, start working on you letter to the DNR Trust Fund Board who will be the ultimate deciders of the West End Scheme. Every letter they receive will stating why this is a bad issue will help them in their decision.

Stay on topic.  You will be focusing on this one issue.

You only need to state why you are against this, "I am opposing the West End Project in Ludington for the following reasons..."

Mail your letter to each member on the board. 

Dr. William E. Moritz, Director
Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 30028
Lansing, MI 48909

Brad Canale
2028 Audubon
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
734-647-7038 - Business

Steven Hamp
1520 Harding Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
313-961-0500 - Business

Samuel Cummings, Chair
CWD Real Estate Investment
15 Ionia, SW, Suite 630
Grand Rapids, MI
616-726-1700 - Business

Erin McDonough, President 
Michigan Oil and Gas Association
124 W. Allegan Street, Suite 1610
Lansing, MI 48933
517-487-1092 – Business,4570,7-153-65134_65142-39501--,00.html

If you need additional help or have questions, I am certain someone here will aid you in composing your letter.

Thanks, shinblind, I couldn't help but agree with you more, but remember you still have time to make that ultimate letter to the DNR, because the City will wait until the last minute to send this application in.  That date is April 1, 2016, so you may wish to hold off until then so they will apply your concern against something already in their possession.  If you get it in too early they may ignore it.

Be sure to reference the on-line petition against this 'improvement', and stress that nobody from the public ever comes up to the podium in support of this project.  I will be giving them my annual letter/FOIA request shortly myself. 

Thank you all for your opposing support....

So there is a paper petition circulating also?  I agree several people need to go to the West End and ask other visitors there to sign it.  There are people there all the time.

Also the "promenade" won't be used but a few months of the year, citizens (and tourists) would use it the way it is all year long.  

AND their argument is to just got to the marina parking lot... where all the fishing boat trailers park, where they pile all the snow at, where the 60 vehicles will be parking, then what..?  


Also make sure you make the same complaint to the state of Michigan constituent services division!

Here is the link, click and share your feelings, they do care from what I have seen so far with my struggles in the Pere Marquette bayou. Please share your concerns here:,4668,7-277-57911---,00.html

At this Mi Constituent Service site, I make complaint at the opinion button, correct?

And when should the letter be sent to DNR grant board members?

I use the assistance tab, from there they send it to the corresponding department.

I just talked to Lansing, John Mace, he's interested in our concerns, and will email me the address to mail our letters to. The person heading this grant app. up is Tamara Jorkosky, main line 517-284-6367 for inquiries. I just thought of something else too: Lud. Ave is not maintained nor paved by the City, it's US-10, a State of Michigan roadway. Doesn't the city need the permission of MDOT to change anything on Lud. Ave.??? Found this out quite a while back when I complained about Lud. Ave. needing paving and fixing. The COL always told me it was not their venue to do any repairs, because it's a State Roadway, US-10.

Ludington Avenue is state/federal highway, but it's not all US 10.  US 10 comes in from the east but turns at James Street to the south going out to the SS Badger.  But M-116, which is often mistakenly believed to begin at Lakeshore Drive, actually begins at James Street.  So Ludington Ave. is state controlled highway, but two highways are involved.

I believe US 10 runs down James Street and ends at the fantail of of the Badger. It has been that way for a while Aquaman.

What must have sounded like a good deal at the time moving US 10 down James Street, like a lot of things they do, has come back and bit the city in the ass.

It is Not the SOM's responsibility to maintain the route west past James Street. As I understand it if US10 still ran west with Ludington Avenue,then the State would be responsible for upgrading the infrastructure that runs along the Bowling /Subway block. It is an expensive proposition since this area is all sawdust fill and would need to be replaced with clean fill. Just to upgrade the infrastructure for the BS Project will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,200,000. You can imagine what the cost would be to do 5 lanes for a block and a half.

Also upgrading  the traffic flow through the downtown is almost impossible with the  State trunkline veering down James Street.  It really limits the possibilities for fixing the downtown.

And as seen here, M-116 turns into North Lakeshore, so the last two blocks are the city's responsibility. 

Make sure you use your turn signal at this "intersection"...... Just saying


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