In my opinion it is the liberal baby boomers who have made a mess of this country. That includes Democrats and Republicans. The generation that supposedly had so much promise has lowered the boom on this Country and it's occupants with a liberal and socialist philosophy and agenda. And they've raised their offspring to think of the Government as a nanny service. In case you are wondering, a baby boomer is anyone born from the years 1946 to 1964.

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Liberalism freed this country from British rule. There is a difference between liberalism and socialism. I am a liberal and proud of it.

The majority of the rowdies that freed us from British rule were distinctively Libertarian, not Liberals.  It's a frequent fallacy that they are one and the same, because there is some interlap between them on instances where they both feel the government should not be involved (such as pot legalization, church-state separation, etc.).  Economics was more the issue, and most of the rebels were not liberal in that respect.


I would like to read your explanation of how "Liberalism freed this country from British rule". Your probably referring to a type of liberalism that has no resemblance to what is defined as today's modern liberalism.  By definition Liberalism and Socialism are different but in the political world a liberal agenda is a natural promoter of socialism. 

Liberalism to me is we all our born with equal rights and are free to work towards our goals - Our fore fathers revolted against the idea of established nobility, established religion and the divine rights of an absolute monarchy. 

While I lightly disagree that pushing a liberal agenda is necessarily promoting Socialism, who seek to limit rights more than a true liberal would like, there has been a trend to do so lately.  The liberals in power have moved towards socialism, which I believe provoked movement of many republicans towards the "antisocialism" of the Tea Parties and some towards Libertarianism.

Liberalism has changed a lot just in my short lifetime, Lisa, and your definition leaves me with a big "?" over my head, as I can see those professing the labels of conservative and liberal (as well as statist and libertarian) claim they are for equal rights and freedom to work for your goals.  

If you could, define "liberalism" by example.  That is, give a couple recognizable representatives of what an ideal liberal should be like.  Or give specific programs that such a liberal would promote.

all this crap about "liberal media" --- "socialism"---"Liberal judges" and "class warfare" are all just nonsense spewed out by morons like Limbaugh and FAUX NEWS to get their base riled up to spew venom further.


 It appeals to the ignorant and certainly should not apply to the good folks found in this forum and in our quaint little ludington. Afterall, life is always sunny and rosy here. if you don't believe me read our award winning, hard hitting,journalistic beacon of integrity----the Ludington Daily News

The problem is that Limbaugh is right. And conservatives have no venom,they just have a coating of BS spewed from liberals who think they know what's best for others.

INDIVIDUAL rights, not equal rights, women's rights, gay rights or any other "group" rights.

It was a revolution in thought, the idea that "all men are created equal, , that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

This is what freed us from British rule.

Well said and on cue Max, the "Individual's" rights should remain and be the center of the "freedoms" we all share. This is where the Libs of today have distorted concepts and perceptions. The making of "feely good" legislative intentions for the masses, is not what our forefathers founded this great nation on at all. It was the Individual's rights as a people that was promoted, that of self-subsistence and each individuals pursuit of being the best they could be, and having the least amount of intrusion and regulation by the government to accomplish this. The governments job of providing internal peace thru a military, safety thru certain necessary regulations over foods and drugs as well as common laws to abide by, providing help in major infrastructures, this is all our government was originally given power to do and oversee. Over centuries of time and technology changes, wrong teachings in our school systems, poorly advised legislation that has passed and become accepted, warped agendas that favor a special interest group over the individual, and many other twisted convoluted arguments against freedoms as originally intended, we have come to be a weak and unorganized people, splintered into many fragments. That in itself is a recipe for our fall as a people once known as proud, independent, capitalistic, Americans. The once great state of New York, known worldwide for it's superior people of industry, invention, and capitalistic contributions, is now but a faint shadow of it's former self, thanks in no less part to it's liberal socialistic agendas and governing.

except for her snide attack on the LDN Snide is right.  you torchers and other neandethals can rail all you want about our societies progression to equal rights for all and giving workers for the public good the powers to see equality and liberty is mated out.  a snake and a fish can blah blah all they want about the constition and hommilies about this and that but its 250 years outdated.


And there in lies the problem. The progressive / liberal idea that the Constitution is "outdated". Most of the people realize that all the freedoms, rights and privileges enjoyed by today's citizens are a direct result of the protections written into the Constitution. Without the Constitution you would probably be working on a pig farm in the reproduction department. If so, you wouldn't have the time to post on this forum and therefore could not reveal to  everyone just how little you know or understand about how and why this Country became the envy of the World.

Oddly, most people that would suggest that the constitution (that's constitution Heaven.. not whatever it is you attempted to write) is outdated, are usually the very first ones to pipe up that they have the right to free speech and such. So while they don't want the constitution, they are the first ones to remind you of its value.... how funny some of these people are.

By the way, what is "hommilies"? I have no idea what that word means.


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