As the summer of 2020 comes to an infamous finish, two notable new things were introduced to the area:  mandatory mask policies and the new splash pad.  When the Ludington Splash Pad opened for business on July 2nd, Governor Gretchen Whitmer had already issued a couple of mandatory mask laws applicable to those who were to go outside and not be able to social distance.  These orders applied to kids as well, clarifying eventually in August that even two year olds going to camp or daycare had to mask up.

The opening of the Ludington Splash Pad at Copeyon Park was well documented in photographs by city leaders, whether they showed six members of the city council holding an unlawful meeting on the splash pad, or just kids enjoying themselves in the water sprays.  I will be re-sharing those photographs in this article, while also sharing some of the relevant science and links to that science.

The CDC warns:  "People should not wear masks while engaged in activities that may cause the mask to become wet, like when swimming at the beach or pool. A wet mask may make it difficult to breathe."

Nursing Times urges caution:  "A mask wet with exhaled moisture has increased resistance to airflow, is less efficient at filtering bacteria and has increased venting. Current recommendations are that they should be changed when wet (National Association of Theatre Nurses, 1998)."

The Mayo Clinic fields a question:  "Q. What are the potential dangers in terms of using a mask?
A. Once a mask gets wet, maybe from our exhalation, it really begins to decrement in effectiveness in filtering any sort of respiratory particulate matter. So that's one thing, it would need to be changed."

The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF both unwaveringly stress that children five years and younger should not be wearing masks.

So even with at least eight Ludington city officials around on July 2nd, we had a lot of little children running around with wet masks, which multiple medical sources say is unsafe and unhealthy; we had a lot of kids five and under running around wearing wet masks which has been declared unsafe, unhealthy, and unrecommended by the WHO and UNICEF.  

If we get some warm September days and you want to take your children to the splash pad, leave the kiddie masks in the car and allow them to enjoy themselves.  Better yet, rain or shine, an organized revolt for adults worldwide against wearing masks is taking place Tuesday, September 15.  If you are not medically compromised and not already wearing masks in public, good for you; go out that day to help encourage others to experience your freedom from irrational fear.  And don't forget to smile.

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Of all the discussions we've had on masks, here's another reply which may be controversial, but I'll throw it out:  I feel that the governor had to make some of the decisions she did to err on the safe side.  Had she downplayed the virus and said we could operate at 100% with no masks, and a lot of people got sick and died, then the lawsuits would be thrown at her for being reckless and negligent. That said,  I do not agree with the 1945 law that gives her endless, unlimited powers to declare a state of emergency and hope that is reformed soon. 

The other concept about personal responsibility could have been better emphasized, imo:  those vulnerable population should make their own decisions to care for their own health, and stay at home, social distance  and wear a mask wherever they want, and they shouldn't be judged for it.  We need to get back to living, manufacturing, buying and selling, teaching and learning and jumping rope, not the governor's hoops. 

Interesting pictures of the little kids, I never saw any masks being worn whenever I visited the splashpad.

By the time the government's chosen scientists decided that masks were good anytime and anywhere (after saying the reverse for a couple of months), Whitmer would have had her 28 day emergency period come under review by the legislature as per the 1976 law.  In the first month of emergency shutdown did you ever hear any kind of major outbreaks at Wal-Marts or Meijers, homeless shelters or convenience stores, tobacco shops and liquor stores-- places that stayed open and had plenty of mask-free visitors going through each other's vapor trails during the worse part of the 'epidemic'.  

Still, Whitmer did some crazy orders that were nationally ridiculed for good reason, and would probably have lost her extra powers to a Republican dominated legislature being prodded by their constituents.  There's a good reason for the paradox of why those states that had the most Draconian shutdowns fared worse than those that effectively stayed open and allowed people to do their own thing with minimal guidance.  

I never noticed any masks worn by kids when I have went to the splashpad myself, but this was a special occasion where the well-connected people of Ludington and their kids got to be the first to use the splash pad.  Because they were taking pictures for posterity, they probably wanted to feature a good mix of masked kids, for they likely were unaware that a four year old wearing a wet mask is just a mark of gross idiocy on part of the adults present that day

  There is only one thing that I have to say about wearing a mask, don't burp while you have one on !!!!!!!

Unless you just ate something really tasty.

Very funny, Stump! Or sneeze and try to use a Kleenex ! Do you RIP your mask off and sneeze into a kleenex or ruin your mask?

I just noticed the kid in the background of the first picture. He has a "chin" mask and looks like he's yawning, or crying or hollering about the cold water. Now I understand why most kids have masks in these pictures--the city probably staged it, because I never saw any kids or parents wearing masks any other time.

No health expert, Governor, President or the CDC has ever mandated that masks be worn in public for the flu or any other illnesses until now. I have talked to many people and I have yet to hear anyone say that a mask does not negatively affect their breathing. Common complaints are shortness of breath, increased heart rate, increase in stronger or heavier heart beat, dizziness, foggy headed, etc. Common sense tells people that covering their breathing passages for a long period of time is not a good thing. Many pro mask news outlets and pro leftists keep telling people it's OK to wear masks all day, every day and there will be no ill effects from doing so. B.S. The Covid19 virus is so tiny that they easily pass thru any mesh material on any cheap mask. Some of the articles I have read state that a loose fitting mask has no negative affect but a tight fitting mask may cause problems. If that's the case then why wear a mask? If a mask is loose then it will be ineffective. To tight and it can be a problem. The decision to wear masks should be up to the individual not the Government.

Good points, Willy. And probably those experts are like hypocritical Nancy Pelosi. As soon as they think they are off camera they rip their mask off so hard it snaps their ears.

Thanks FS. I agree about the Pelosi and the other hypocrites.

He's solved his mask problem.

A couple of more notes on masks.  In my continuing survey of masks on the breakwall today's numbers were 57 out of 59 people I passed on the way out and back were not wearing masks, a percentage that once again falls between 96 and 97%, just like four of the five other times I've conducted a census of that characteristic over the last two months.  Tomorrow may be ditch the mask day, but most people have done that already unless it's a requirement.

I played tennis early this afternoon at the high school courts.  About midway through my session against my nearly-equally skilled opponent, a middle school tennis class came out to play.  The instructor and each of the 20 or so kids were all wearing masks while playing tennis.  I cannot imagine playing tennis at my level with a mask, I'm sweating through my shirt and shorts even at today's temperatures, and in heated rallies, I doubt whether I would be able to breathe effectively, even if the mask I wore wasn't saturated with sweat.  

The governor forcing kids to wear masks when they play football, soccer, or volleyball is unhealthy enough, but the latest order allows those playing tennis not to wear masks.  For the safety of children, I am going to contact the superintendent in the hopes to let them play tennis without masks.

I seen on FOX NEWS last night that the CDC stated the mask will be just as effective as the covid 19 vaccine . What's that all about?    Mask forever?    I did notice the last couple days that in a couple stores I was in a few people didn't have a mask on while shopping .  Must not have any Karen"s  in Ludington.

Yup, the CDC's Director Robert Redfield stated that masks may be the way to get the virus under control, and could protect you more than the vaccine.  Same people who were telling us that healthy people wearing a mask was counterproductive six months ago when Covid-19 looked like it was some incredible supervirus.  We know it's not now, science knows, science has known for decades that healthy people wearing masks is stupid, but dumbass bureaucrats citing no credible data say it's the Godsend now. 


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