Friday October 2, 2020 started out with the president Tweeting the news that both he and the First Lady had tested positive for Covid.  Hope their cases are mild and that they both have a speedy recovery.  

I've personally been fighting my own battle with Covid-19 over the last 9 days.  Unwisely, I relented to play tennis with a family member who was experiencing minor symptoms which developed into full-fledged Covid-19 shortly after our time on the court.  My symptoms began with night sweats and general muscle weakness, sometimes I can't function for more than a couple of hours a day doing anything productive.  It's actually hard to think and construct a meaningful sentence without reaching into some deep reserve.  

My sense of taste and smell have been very muted over the last five days and my appetite is practically non-existent.  I have to force myself to eat so that I can maintain my strength.  I haven't had much in the way of fever, but I do occasionally have bouts of shivering which seem to be allayed after taking some Ibuprofen and fluids.  It has proven to be a persistent affliction with a subtle change of symptoms happening throughout.  

Hope to see Covid-19 in the rear-view shortly, but I wouldn't be surprised if it stays into next week since I'm basically fighting it alone.  One thing that's about ready to disappear is Governor Whitmer's emergency powers.  On Friday, the Michigan Supreme Court struck those down with a 4-3 ruling.  It coincided with a citizen petition with 539,000 signatures meant to repeal that 1945 law through an alternate process.   It looks as if Michigan might not be a Banana Republic for much longer.


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I personally know of 6 men and 2 women who have appointed for Covid tests and never showed up for due to personal or business reasons, then were sent email's saying they tested positive by email. What the HELL is that all about???????????????????? There is something going on behind the public's minds and  info. for sure now, and it's not real for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care of yourself X. I've known only one person who has had Covid and he was about your age. His lasted around 3 weeks and his taste and smell problems lasted longer. You keep in shape by walking and cycling so you should be fine. Can you retrace your steps and figure out where you may have picked up the virus? Trump's in that risky age group where anything can happen. If he gets very sick or worse, we're in deep sh_t. With all the security and effort that has been put forth to protect Trump it sure is fishy that so many people in his organization have come down with Covid at this time. I wouldn't put it past any of the Trump hating deep staters to have sent in a Covid infected Trojan Horse to spread the virus. As a matter of fact I have no doubt they have been trying this since Covid first came on the scene. Hope you"re up and around soon X.

Fairly certain that it's traced back to a 40 minute bout of tennis with my relative who was sporting a couple of symptoms consistent with Covid and who was later diagnosed with it as I started to get my own symptoms.  We not only handled the same tennis balls over that period, but rode to and from the courts in the same vehicle.  

Feeling a little better today, I actually had a couple slices of pizza and tasted the pizza somewhat.  Some of the underlying static in the system seems to have left, so I hope I am en route to recovery, but just like with Sleepy Joe, there is good and bad days.  When both the POTUS and I fully recover from this minor setback, we assuredly will be wearing our face proudly in public again.

 X , sorry to hear you have got  the virus.  I don't know if you have taken the test or do not want to be a the books as having it. That being said be vigilant on you well being as things can change rather quickly . Do not hesitate to go to the hospital for treatment.  Prayers for you to recover without a lingering after affects.

I'm making the assumption that since my relative tested positive and has had consistent symptoms with me, that I have it too, so why bother with it?  I thank you for your concern and will consider a hospital visit if my symptoms ever get worse.  I'm basically 10 days into it and it has been little more than an inconvenience over that time, a persistent inconvenience, but one that doesn't eclipse memories of past flu seasons that were real difficult to get through.

Wishing you all the best for a safe and fast recovery X, you don't need this thing to interrupt your life now or ever. Let us all know if we can assist you in any way to help sir, thanks.

Adversity which doesn't kill me metamorphizes me into something greater than I was before.

   As a Mask Debater I got a chuckle when I read " you'll go out and wear your mask proudly "  Hope your feeling better.

I am.  I got some energy from the afternoon sunshine, so I walked the 1.2 miles to Dowland and took down the firewood stand for the season, making ten trips to the woodshed with a couple of bundles each time, then I mowed a couple of lawns, and walked back.  Felt a little tired since I hadn't did much with the muscular system lately, made a quick sandwich to keep my strength.  

For the last week, everything tastes wrong, every time I eat I might as well be having a 'Shooter' McGavin breakfast, so imagine my surprise when I could actually taste the cheap lunchmeat and less-than-a-Miracle whipped mayo mingling with each other in my mouth.  Poor quality condiments and mystery meat never tasted so good.  My taste is on its way back!


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