I was in Lansing for Thanksgiving and a relative asked me to take them to the Ingham County Health Dept. so they could get their flu shot because their doctor was out of the flu serum. The waiting room was almost full. As we sat there we began to hear the other patients conversations. What we heard were several dialects of Arabic, West African, Spanish and other languages we did not recognize, but no English. Many of the patients had children who also did not speak English. All the people presented Michigan welfare cards to the receptionist [ I know this because we sat next to the receptionists window.] I have to ask. What the hell is going on? Along with deficit spending by the fools in the Capital and the free give away of our hard earned tax dollars to aliens,  is it no wonder we are going broke. This insanity has got to stop.

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Just because they were speaking in their native tongue does not mean they couldn't speak English.
Would you bet your life on that Lisa? Very few I have asked that of when hearing their jibber-jabber to their faces can answer, but, just look away, or say no engle'se.
Lisa. I think you missed the point.
Deficit spending by fools? Check.
Give away of tax dollars to aliens? That happens.

RJE's account is, of course, anecdotal. It may be typical of the ICHD on normal days, or he may have came there on a day when they may have had special services for such people he describes. These may have been legal Americans using their native tongue for conversing, or illegal aliens who only spoke their own language.

As it is, each person has a right to find out the extent of such waste and corruption of the system by using properly directed FOIA requests of computer records. Once they have that information, if a serious problem exists (such as rampant use of the DHS by illegal aliens, which RJE hints at), they can tilt at the government windmill. With enough Don Quixotes, fiscal responsibility/change could occur.
This was not a day for special services. This was a typical day. I asked the nurse in charge who said that they have several interpreters on the payroll to act as a go between so that the staff can understand what the patients were saying.

Is that the only message you got out of my post? You think my concerns were about folks speaking a language other than English. Do you see anything wrong with people coming to the U.S., whether they be illegal or not, and going on the welfare rolls? Who do you think is paying for all of this?
No that is not the only thing I got out of your post.
But the fact is, I was not there asking for their birth certificate or green card so I truly don't know what their status is. Do I think it's right for illegals to get free medical care no - if it's something life threatening I'm a little more agreeable to them getting medical help. If the person in question was here legally and was just down on their luck and needed help in the interim no I'm not opposed to it. Do I think the government should crack down on immigration yes. I live in NYC certain areas have a larger demographic of one group than lets say a different area. Based on this some schools employ 2 teachers to a classroom 1 for English and 1 for other language - I think that should be stopped as well. In my opinion in order to enroll your child in school you should have to provide a birth certificate or a green card, but that is a rant for another day.
No Lisa that is not a rant for another day. That ties into my point exactly, which is, why should our tax dollars support any immigrants for medical services, extra school teachers, food stamps, rent money, interpreters or any other benifit? They should not be here if they cannot support themselves. This entitlement mentality must stop before the S.S. United States sinks under this Liberal agenda.
Amazing grace, how sweet thou art...................dribbles and dovetails right into this thread methinks. There are plenty of these "non-English speaking" illegals and foreigners to go around the USA for handouts, if anyone has the time to look in the right places. Most of us are just too busy building a family and taking care of business at work to survive, to have the time to travel and notice what is truly becoming a standard practice here now. Yes, we not only police and feed the world, we now even take them into our social systems to enable them to stay and vote and get all the hand outs they need. I am American and I SPEAK ENGLISH! Learn the tongue, or go back from whence thee came. Why enable and encourage those that will not take any effort to learn our culture and language I say.
Only in the U.S.A.
While other countries make learning the language, and the correct way to interpret the constitutions of those countries, a mandatory part of becoming a citizen. The liberal government allows non-citizens the right to basically not only squat on our turf,(The Feds think we should not even be allowed to ask immigration status upon stopping for another offense) but then the in the name of human kindness allow them to use retirement and medical benefits (already stretched thin for our own people) to pay them. They also allow them to send this illegal money back across the border in effect taking the wealth out of our own country.

Some of the same people who find this sucking out of U.S wealth okay, But then scream bloody murder if a company decides it is now cheaper to run a plant in the country they had no problem allowing undocumented immigration from. That seems to be a large double standard to me.

If you want to claim evil intent for anyone not desiring completely open borders. Then why not feel as evil of a government that tries to penalize a company for going to a place where its money is not sucked into a bureaucracy that would allow this to happen?

I believe every U.S citizen has the right to make a living here. I believe if you wait your turn and become a citizen you have every right to all America has to offer. Until then, I feel you are at best a squatter, and at worse subversive to my way of life, and especially that of my children.
Ummm And that is a surprise? That is why they have to have 2nd languages in schools, and applications in so many languages. Yet rarely do I see IRS forms in multiple languages. You can bet many of those there were illegals if that was in Ingham county.

That's where the jobs are going. I speak from experience many therapy companies ignore USA citizen applicants and document a need for a visa to bring in therapist from overseas to pay them 1/2 the wages and almost no benefits.
govment workers nowadays are trained in many ways not to discriminate or profile or make waves. they are there to do there job by a set of rules that go totaly against what has traditionaly been the american way. communism failed in the 80s now the incombents want capitalism to fail. but we see the states that are more socialistic --california-michigan---fail and the ones that are suceeding be more capitalistic. dems and reps are both at fault but the hope of capitalism lies with the reps going back to fiskal conservatism.
I agree with you... Dems and Republicans are both at fault Charle.. There are Liberal minded people who are in either party. The start of the financial meltdown was actually liberal ideas allowed to become policy by President Bush. I was not completely happy with some of the things Bush did, but when he allowed GM to be bailed out with our money rather than allowing the normal capitalist concept of bankruptcy. I got real pissed. But enter Obama he multiplied the damage of that move in spades.
And yeah fiscal conservatism is the only way America will get an economy that grows jobs not welfare checks or government pensions. Why don't liberal's see extensions of unemployment checks or adding government jobs as trickle down economics?


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