TEOTWAWKI in short. Preppers and those who support the Second Amendment Unite!





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i used to hate the preppers in college with there izod sweaters and effected airs but now ive found my inner dandy.  i also try to obey all ten amandments.  some tries are not sucessful and thats why i go to church tomorow today.  im tired and growing sober.  gnight.

I must be tired or just dumb.  What do preppers and the Second Amendment have to do with the end of the world as we know it?

And the more pressing question:  "Who is John Galt?". 


XLFD shrugged.

Atlas Shrugged too. AR deciples.

Finding out who John Galt was/is is rather interesting. The Ayn Rand Wikipedia page was somewhere along the rabbit hole of that research. Quite interesting actually.


After reading some of the above mentioned website, It would appear 'prepper' means one who is prepared, not a 'preppie' as in a way of dress or way of belonging to a certain clique'.


Did anyone else spend any time at the website noted in the original post? I must say the only thing I am prepared for is absolutely nothing. But I think it would be a good idea to have a backup heat source so the pipes don't freeze if the power went out. I worry about that every winter. There is a lot to read at that site but I think it is a bit interesting if not somewhat tinfoil hat type stuff.

I guess I can't read either -- I totally missed the link.  I'll have to take a look at it.


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