I heard on the radio tonight that a group of Wisconsin State representatives from the Democrat Party had piled into a bus and took off for Illinois so that there would be no quarum for dealing with the financial bill that would have helped solve Wisconsin's growing debt. Unfortunately for them some Tea Party supporters followed the bus to a hotel and let the reps. Know they were on to their scheme. The last I heard the bus load of Reps. was trying to sneak back into Wisconsin.

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Two things are in play here:

1)  the WI lawmakers who have fled their state and are hiding like common criminals to avoid doing the job they were elected to do are cowards. They should be impeached, arrested (what they are doing may be a crime) or just plain unelected next time up no matter where people stand on the budget arguments. They were sent to represent their fellow citizens and they have abdicated. They are cowards, all of them.

2)  Second, the teachers who called in sick are cowards as well. They have a job to do. They promised to educate the kids but they broke that promise so they could flex their political muscle at the expense of the kids and in violation of their legal and moral commitment. Even if you agree with them on the budget issues, you should be mad as hell. They should be sued for breach of contract, disciplined or simply not rehired next time up, the same way as any employee of any private company should be. It takes no courage to do what they are doing.

The dem's could be in for a world of hurt politically if they don't start heading home. You can be sure that in the next election cycle the fact that the democrats ran in WI and IN (and where ever else they might take a vacation from reality) because they didn't want to do their job as it is traditionally done. The fact that to this point its only been democrats doing the running makes them look weak... as if they can't handle tough decisions. I mean we didn't see the republicans run away when Obamacare was being pushed through and they were against that for the most part. They stayed and tried to contribute which of course was made difficult when they were literally locked out of meeting rooms. The fact is is that the bills that are being put up by the republicans are going to go through, one way or another and the democrats need to find their way back to their respective congressional houses and do what they were voted in for. If anyone I ever voted for walked away/ran, I would never give them my vote again... even if they were running against no one.
You hit the nail on the head again Dave, just that, they don't deserve anyone to vote for them once they desert their post and responsibilities, and should have a recall done right away. Fact is, I guess the Governor can call them in contempt of congress in respective states, a misdemeanor, one that might by itself after prosecution, be enough to oust them from office for conduct and morals violations, so I heard anyways. If so, it would send the correct message to other states Dems. if they follow Wis. senators leads. I know new Govs. don't want to test this law, but it may be worth it.
Why has Obama not, when promising for union votes in 2007, NOT joined his union buddies in Wis. to protest and march for rights, as he demanded he would on the campaign trail, putting on his hiking/marching shoes to ensure their "rights"? Does anyone remember Jimmy Carter, his "civil reform national union act of 1978"? Voted in by a majority of the Dem. congress and senate? That's why! His own Federal Unions for Federal workers are also not able to negotiate in collective bargaining. These so called "rights" that the State Unions would make you believe are "unalienable rights", are not rights at all as guaranteed by our Bill of Rights, never was. What Unions want you to believe is this cause is far right wing, or left wing, or radical, when it's nothing of the sort. It's common sense and necessity of budget constraints by each individual state's condition. People in the private sector are losing their jobs, home, savings, security, future, and who's backs are these extreme taxes coming from for state union salaries and benefits? Yes, the private sector folks, you and me basically. Common sense and reality must prevail in these hard times, common folks just cannot afford these conditions for state unions to exist and prevail into the unforeseeable future, something has to give, and if state union employees are not willing to see this and make the reasonable adjustments required, then their so called "rights" have to change, not for punishment, but the good of the state's population and future for monetary sanity. Paying in a small percentage as a co-share expense for benefits, is not in itself unreasonable, nor uncommon, as almost 100% of the private sector also chips in for these out of their weekly paycheck. I don't feel sorry nor apologetic for any state union workers whom are that greedy, and neither should you, imo.
Yesterday, the Wisconsin State Senate voted 19-0 to bring the Dems. back to senate session, or be arrested in handcuffs for Comtempt of Congress at home, a direct violation of Senate Rules and job duties. The fines will be $100/day for no-shows starting today. Apparently the Dems. could care less, and all but one are no-showing. Arrest warrants are going to be served, and arrests made. This bespeaks of a very flimsy and arrogant group of misfits that are betraying the trust of the public that elected them. Meanwhile,  the Governor  will be giving the pink slips to statewide workers for this insolence, up to 1,000-1,500 to start, and more later as time lapses. This is in no way any mature way for 14 Dems. to act, and the act has gone on long enough, now the ax is going to come down, and the Dems. have themselves to blame for their pathetic childish criminal intent. Meanwhile, I expect literally hundreds of thousands of unemployed qualified workers to apply for the axed jobless opportunities, and as well, I truly wish them luck and success. They may just be in for an early spring cleaning, as well as many other such states need to do, including Michigan, imho. -------P.S. There is also at least one Dem. on the recall ballot thus far, and about four more on the same trail, and I say go for the recall, get rid of the bums, and clean house.
I heard that Michael Moore is backing the Dems and the protesters in Wisconsin now
Wouldn't surprise me Masonco, and if so, Mr. Moore can start paying and feeding the families of the axed employees starting this week, as well as the Dems. that are also going to be spending time in jail, then recalled. Hope his pocketbook is as big as his torso and mouth.

Here ya go...Indeed Michael Moore is busy instigating the pro-union activism at the expense of the Wisconsin government solvency.


I find this paragraph sad. Hasn't he looked at government cashflow?


"Playing to the hometown crowd, Moore disputed the governor's claims that Wisconsin was broke, saying the idea was as farfetched as the belief that the Green Bay Packers needed former quarterback Brett Favre to win a Super Bowl. The Packers won the title last month with Favre's replacement, Aaron Rodgers."


It is easy for a busy body like Moore to make unfounded claims about the state of Wisconsin's financial house. Same with many of the the other liberals in America they have all the funds they need and there meddling doesnt come out of there own funds. Most have no clue as to how to really handle money, as they don't have to.
Right Masonco, and the $14Trillion deficit by the USA is just a farce/lie too, right?  Plus a Wis. deficit of almost $4Billion? Moore's on to something for sure, gotta be TigerBlood or some mixture. Let Moore put his Big $$$$$$$$$$ money where his big Mouth is, is all I say. He won't!!!!!!!!! Just a blimp looking for publicity, imo.
Well, the Wis. R's went into special session yesterday w/o the D's in participation. Yup, they are still in HIDING, in Illinois I do guess. But, the pro-union protesters got real wild at the state capital, and arrests and police action has finally had to start. The State Union is going to have to swallow the new rules and law now, or the rejects that don't, will continue to get fired. Good for Wisconsin, and likewise, many other surrounding states with big deficit problems that need fixing worse than ever now. Shortly, the lack of Democratic process there, will result in the recalls starting already, and many of these so-called senators, are headed out the door, probably for good, which truly only hurts their own cause in the short and long run, but you can't fix stupid.

The Dairy State's citizens need to initiate and pass legislation that prohibits such nit-witted dereliction of duties as their Democratic representatives are currently doing.  Unfortunately, most of us have jobs that require us to go to work, and if we leave the state and thumb our nose at our job duties and our employers, we lose that job. 

A citizen driven initiative is the best way to do so, and more states including ours would be wise to enact similar legislation.


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