I'm glad nothing important is happening in the world....

So that the president can take the time to fill out his NCAA bracket picks after doing some golfing this weekend.

Luckily there wasn't any major earthquakes or tsunami's anywhere in the world or civil unrest in the middle east... oh wait...

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Oh, it should be noted that I don't have a problem with the president filling out brackets, I just don't think having to do it on TV is at all necessary with all that is going on in the world of late... a simple press release will more then suffice then doing the grandstanding by broadcasting the picks as he makes them on TV.
I agree Killing your own people, Earthquake's, Oil prices, lower spending in the USA does not meet the merit of the NCAA.

While the President's action may be criticized we should be happy he is doing the golfing and bracket-filling.  When he isn't doing these things he's putting out or advocating irresponsible public policies or having government take over more of the private sector.  And making wacky statements about international events that generally inflame the problems.

The more safe hobbies he has, the more likely we will survive intact his last couple of years.

I agree he is better at golf than running this country.   Just like Jimmy.   Real good nice man, but very poor pres.
Well since I don't believe he is capable of troubleshooting a nuclear reactor. I'm thinking his enjoying a weekend is not going to put the world in any danger, and if his skills are needed I'm sure the government knows how to reach him.
Lisa he was elected to lead not travel all over the world and stay on vacation.  Remember the Christmas bomber.  Remember Times Square bombing.  Well with good leadership like Clinton maybe some lives would have been saved with a no fly zone pushed but he had to play 36.
I must be having an Alzheimer moment - but I don't recall any lives being lost from the Christmas day bomber or either Time Square bombs. But rest assured even when he is flying all over the world and on vacation he is completely accessible should the need arise.
I agree but stay on vacation and not make a statement.   All the other Pres went home on vacation.   But I can see why not go go back to Chi town.   Can you just think what it costs for the staff to protect him on his vacations.   He does not pay for any of that.  All I ask is try and lead not tell all the everyone in the world that we are bad people and when they ask for help.  He turns his back on them.  No just having a far left moment.
If the complaint is about the money that it costs, I can get on board with that. If the complaint is he's golfing while Japan is facing a nuclear catastrophe - that to me is just looking for something to complain about.

It's not that he's golfing or on vacation it's the appearance he displays of a Nero type attitude. When crisis' all over the World including our monetary indebtedness and unemployment are occurring he at least has to engage  in or appear to be engaged in forming policies and solutions that will be our guides for dealing with said crisis'. If he has already done so, I haven't been made aware of them. I presume that is what Dave, J.B. & XLFD are referring to.

I'm inclined to agree strongly RJE, but look at the last 2+ years. When has Obama been most serious and engaged? When his political agenda needed votes and passage of bills in a big hurry. Apart from a temporary budget agreement for three weeks time, he fully intends to veto any new budget that makes cuts to his fav. programs, and what the R's are cutting, is basically very small in comparison to the $14Trillion deficit we already have anyhow. The D's really have a pukey answer by cutting hardly anything. Like X says, seems like he may be better off wasting time, he always makes things worse when he tries to engage anyhow. Very sad and disappointing for a man that is so full of vigor and pep, and could make hard sound decisions, if he just put his mind to it, and get this country's old and new business attended to correctly. I really don't know how much harder the crap has to hit the fan before he wakes up, probably just daydreaming about the next election anyhow.

That's more or less what I'm referring to RJE... the president just seems to not be acknowledging whats going on around the world. From what I understand, during his weekly radio address that he does every Saturday morning that are as far as I know done live, he made no mention at all of the earthquake/tsunami. Even when we had the Ft Hood shooting, his actions were a bit questionable then when instead of making a comment about the shootings and maybe asking for a prayer he instead gave a shout out to someone in the audience first. And he hasn't exactly been seen much or commenting much about what's happening in the middle east, seemed like it took forever for him to comment about the Libya situation.

Basically it comes down to if you want to be president, be president... if you want to be a fundraiser or whatever else, go do that and leave the presidency for someone that wants the job.


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