I made some comments on here about John Shay And Mike Krauch that were threatening. As God as my witness I did not mean them that way but they were seen as such. So I am here to truly apologize to both gentlemen for what I wrote, will never happen again.

A very difficult lesson to learn in a very hard way for me. Please watch your words, the written word does not come with a face gesture or tip of intent like a spoken word does. Again I am sorry.

Carry on Torchers. I am laying down my Torch and walking off into the horizon.

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Exactly! This guy is the poster boy for corruption in a rogue police force.FBI needs to step in and clean this towns ass. Even Barnetts connections to them speak volumes oh his end game.

And may we never forget the senseless murder of mr. Marble and the disgusting display of Reckless disregard for human life as well as handing out Awards to those who murdered him

This is what true intimidation looks like.  You tell me how I can help, and I will try my best to do so, or arrange for others to help out. Your folks make up the backbone of this town, and they have been left to suffer due to the negligence and belligerence of the city. 

Absolutely UNREAL, where is the justice in life. only for the rich?

Sue their ass!

It's time now, imho, to talk to some at the LDN, that illegally, and unethically, placed names on their front page website about so-called suspects, that are NOT Guilty of anything, at least according to the Law and the PA's office. This was an exercise in bullying thru the Media by the COL, esp. Shay, and Barnett! They lost at the courthouse, and wanted cheap revenge because they lost their supposed case. I wonder, how much did that all cost us, the taxpayers? Several thousand dollars is my guess. And for WHAT? Also need to investigate the slander and character assassination aspects too now.


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