Back in 2012, the Ludington City Council made a medical marijuana ordinance (MMO) after the initiated law passed easily in 2008 had given those who required medical marijuana (MM) a way to get their 'medicine'.  This occurred after many long years of high-paid city officials (the LPD chief, the city manager, various city attorneys, etc.) working out the details of the MMO after many moratoriums were placed on such transactions. 

Since that time, the courts have ruled that local ordinances setting their own rules for MM are effectively meaningless and unenforceable.  The Ludington MMO itself (read the five reasons in the link) was exceptionally Draconian and in violation of state law.  Nevertheless, six of the seven city councilors passed the MMO, the only one voting against was Gary Castonia, who explained his deviation by unclearly stating that the Federal laws should supercede the state laws.  Federal rules do not allow for MM, but declare all marijuana possession as unlawful. 

Since then he has exclusively advocated for 'local control' in his votes and signed a petition to repeal Federal civil rights law, so his Federalism seems to be only on the topic of Marijuana laws.

Shortly after his 2012 vote, Castonia's grandson, Devin Castonia, was arrested by the Michigan State Police for marijuana possession as pointed out in Karma Castonia.  At the time I considered it ironic that despite his strong position on marijuana, a frequent guest to his house, was caught with non-medicinal marijuana.  I was also concerned that the house was used as a daycare facility for school-age children, and that its clients should be aware of the potential for exposure to illegal drugs.

Councilor Castonia at the next council meeting after this article appeared said: 

"When I first ran for office I knew I would be scrutinized and I'd be held accountable for any statements I made.  But the only way I can say this now is by quoting Mr. Rotta, I'm absolutely disgusted that you dragged my family, my grandson (breaks down), and my wife, and her business into this.  And I want the whole city to know how you treat people.  And the last comment I want to make is:  People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks."

Despite saying he was quoting me, which he never did, all I reported was what the other local media did, with the familial connection made to him and a caveat emptor for his daycare business.  He was disgusted and mortified not for his grandson being held accountable for his illegal acts, but for him and his business being held accountable, along with his own apparent hypocrisy being exposed and highlighted.  Councilor Castonia, if you don't know, used to be a former LPD officer who had his fair share of drug busts before his retirement; having an arrest in his immediate family is not good for his image.

Early this year, Gary Castonia's old house on Sixth Street burned down under mysterious circumstances.  His son, Tim Castonia, had an evolving story of the early morning fire's genesis and his fortune in being able to escape from what turned into a raging inferno.  Fire officials claim it was the old house's balloon construction that led to the fire spread, but they never had the fire investigated because of the structure being effectively decimated. 

But Tim Castonia had put out several suspicious Facebook posts preceding the fire by a couple of days dealing with legalizing marijuana and memes showing an acceptance of marijuana.  The quick spread of the fire and the early story out of Tim's mouth, could easily lead to some suspicions as to whether he was involved with indoor marijuana growing, which would stress the old electrical system of the house, or maybe even into processing something more potent than marijuana, a process which causes fires behaving remarkably similar to this one.    

This, of course, can only be speculative being that the officials mysteriously called off any fire investigation of this fire with a mysterious cause and effect and Tim Castonia has not been forthcoming with his habits and operations. 

But recently over this last weekend, the COLDNews and Mason County Press has reported that another of Gary Castonia's grandkids, Tre, has been caught in possession of marijuana at the tender age of 17, just like Devin was.  Unlike in Devin's case, the address he lives at is Gary Castonia's residence at 809 E Danaher which just happens to be the home to K K's Licensed Day Care.

Which also happened to be the same address at where Tre threw his open house after his graduation earlier in the month before he was caught 'in the tall grass':

While the three incidences are all tragedies in their own right, they all have a common element that should lead one to wonder what is going on in Gary "Ganja" Castonia's family, and to be rightly concerned about what their child may be exposed to if they use this homestead as a daycare.

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Think I located one of the trolls?


Maybe the other?  1

jfc123 you have mistakenly located my mother in law or at least her look alike.

I inadvertently located this MLive Article from January of this year chronicling a Grand Rapids fire started from a marijuana grow operation in a house, complete with an explosion like what may have happened at the Castonia heritage house.  The article notes that another fire started in an Allegan county storage unit, complete with explosion:  "it was the second marijuana-related explosion and fire in West Michigan in the last month. A blast in December leveled part of a storage unit in Allegan County." 

Two young Castonia boys caught possessing marijuana, whose dad highly endorses marijuana in his social media posts, came from a house with an unexplained explosion and out-of-control fire, which conveniently wasn't investigated by the fire marshal.  Nothing to see here but an old house with bad wiring said Councilor Gary Castonia, a former police officer, to the local media. 

Also, I have discovered that Tim Castonia is the uncle of Devin and Tre Castonia, who are sons of Mark Castonia, another local member of the clan.  Mark's house hasn't burned down mysteriously, nor has he advocated publicly for better access to drugs.

Tommy, because Gary's grand kids have been in legal trouble and his son has certain beliefs means you have to slander Gary's name, his wife's name, and throw her business into play?  So if your daughter gets in trouble, do we just start talking about what a terrible person you are?  I guess there is a difference between you and Gary though.  One, you have no importance or any sort of impact (positive) to the city and Gary is a retired officer and a CC member.  The only impact you have is living off us and sucking tax money away from the city when you don't get your way. 

Tre Castonia wasn't cooking meth in Gary's house.  He got caught with and why does that have anything to do with his address and where his graduation party took place?  If I was Gary or any family member of his, id be furious at you for just low blows, assumptions and just being a complete *ickhead.  Who in the hell do you feel you are to just throw mud like this Tommy?  An unemployed, non tax payer, X fire fighter, a disgrace of a want to be man who lives to just go to city council meetings to complain? Lets just have people take shots at your kids or girlfriend (unless she is still with her girlfriend).  No, we can't take shots at you because you will just ban people off here when they disagree with the tough guyTom Rotta, but we all know that is just your insecure way of trying to have the only power possible since you can never win any sort of city election.

Real Talk

Instead of being your usual insulting self, why don't you explain exactly what slander has been stated in this topic. The information I have read had already been made public by law enforcement and the media and has only been repeated here. Why don't you contact the police and LDN and rant and rave about what "ickheads" they are. Your just sore because your weed and meth source has been cut off. Now you'll have to find some other substance that will allow you to continue being stupid.

Willy, your comment to Real Talk that "Your (sic) just sore because your weed and meth source has been cut off." is very concerning to me. 

Do you have reliable information to prove that Real Talk is using weed and meth, and do you also have reliable information that the family discussed in the OP are distributing those substances?

Anon, that was a sarcastic comment aimed at a sarcastic poster.


Can you guess why?

Real Talk,

Do you normally get up around 5 AM in the morning to post such meaningless and spiteful pablum in other forums?  Tre Castonia, according to public records and his own Facebook posts is living at the Castonia's daycare, throwing parties there where his friends attend-- and is being caught with illegal drugs shortly thereafter.  His brother allegedly went to the same house often when he was caught with illegal drugs back then, both as minors.  Knowledge like this should not be hidden, like stashed marijuana, it is relevant to those who want a safe environment for their kids. 

After chiding me for revealing public records and their relevance, you decide to go off the reservation and attack the statuses of me and those around me using false information (probably knowingly).  I am an ex-firefighter, you got that part right.  The rest illustrates your own shortcomings as a human being.  

Real Talk = Real BS imho. If XLFD was so hostile and hateful of people like you with nothing else to do but bash him, you would have been banned long ago. Most Trolls like you can't find a forum that accepts them for long, so you keep hanging around here, nothing better to do with your time. Why don't you post something informative and interesting for a change? Or is that beyond your capability? Or let the Castonias come here and defend their actions. I know Gary hasn't contributed much to the council either, and the only reason he's there is because he runs for office Unopposed! Else he would lose a real election.


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