I posted this on the video site but I was rethinking the issue and decided that it was an important topic to talk about. The video below clearly depicts how today's students are being turned into mindless leftist thinkers. Thinkers may be to positive when describing them.

This is a link to the video taken by the student whose hat was stolen. There is much profanity in this video so view at your own risk.


A college student in California who says he was assaulted by a clas...

Matthew Vitale, a member of the University of California, Riverside Republicans, said he was “stunned” when classmate Edith Macias snatched his “Make America Great Again” hat from his head during a campus meeting.

Vitale alerted authorities after the incident but declined to press charges because campus police told him it would only be a misdemeanor. But then Macias posted a bizarre, profanity-laced “SnatchAHat” video online, which eventually went viral, that showed her physically removing the hat from his head – and then verbally attacking him for promoting “genocide.” By showing that she took it off his person, the crime rose to the level of felony, Vitale said campus police told him. And now, he says, he wants her arrested.

“Honestly, this isn’t me trying to get revenge on her,” he told Todd Starnes during a Fox News Radio interview, “this is me just trying to say: ‘Look, behavior like this is not tolerated in this country. There are individual rights and individual freedoms that we are granted as per the constitution, that everybody’s granted. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are.’”

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Where is America headed is an important question. These leftist students actually think that free speech should be denied if they disagree with it. They also believe that white people are responsible for all their real or imagined problems. The Leftist education system is ruining our children. This has taken many years but it seems the propaganda of the Marxist dominated educators is taking hold in a big way.

The entire education system in the US needs to be retooled.

It will have to start at the bottom and work its way up.

I hope DeVoss can institute the change that is needed.

The challenges are formidable.


Speaking of that city council mtg. this past Monday, where's the video X? I heard Krauch went into a fit of sorts at the 50:30 mark, did anyone see that? Thanks, Aqua

It wasn't on the MCDL website through the beginning of Thursday, it had been originally put in a spot different than usual, MCDL's Eric Smith made it available yesterday, will post it late today with a review.

Well, we have a city mgr. named Shyster Shay that thinks and acts like a dictator, not a public servant, and that my friends, is a huge problem. The reason for so many FOIA's is quite simple, Shay will NOT release any information that is requested, and seldom lets other employees release anything, without a FOIA. Then, instead of doing his own duty to answer them, he hires an expensive attorney to do the work, with his oversight on the answer, and proclaims it's X's fault for the expense. It's simply his childish manner to keep this up year after year, and not answer to anyone for it all. And the city council just sits there and watches, and also complains about it, with no end in sight. Differing opinions can be said, but they are NOT answered with any competency nor honor.

Don't forget dianne, Shay is appointed by the City Council. They are in charge and Shay does their bidding. So he's doing exactly what they want him to do. Mistreating people who disagree with City Hall has been a trademark of the Council for many years now. Look at Councilor Henderson. When she first started she was on the internet trying to find out what the public wanted and what their concerns were. She was chastised by the Council and who knows what else was done to her but since then she has been as quiet as a church mouse. This is what X has been up against for years and why many concerned people will not put themselves in a position to have their reputations and possibly lively hood diminished just for presenting differing opinions at City Hall. This is a serious situation. In a larger city it would not be a problem but in small Ludville this can be a great barrier to change. These Councilors are like the leftists politicians on the national level and the LDN is the fake news that backs them up. 

Well said Willy, and oh so accurate. Differing opinions aren't accepted anymore because Shyster Shay says so, and that is now the law here, and backed up by a fellow Detroiter named Barnett, another Big City Shyster. These two combined can make anyone's life a living Hell, just for fun and vengeance in their own little minds. And they have the backing of several fake news agencies like the LDN, MCP, and WMOM to deliver the lies to the public.

I have no doubt that the Ludington area could do very well without the LDN and MCP. Unfortunately other sources of information aka the internet could be just as bad unless they have proven reliable and trustworthy such as this forum.  This is why the Ludington Torch is so important. XLFD has proven to be honest and responsible and I might add interesting and entertaining, regarding information about City Hall and the politicians who occupy said building.

Right Willy, and if you look at today and all thru the 9 years the Torch has been on the internet, X has stood out as a very credible person. Why? Well, just look at any of his threads, and many posts. He doesn't just say something, and you take it as truth. He carefully investigates all avenues of the facts, documentation, statistics, and history. Then and ONLY then does he make his case for or against the subject matter. This takes lots of time, effort, sometimes money too. He uses his brain and intellect to capture all this, for Ludington's good future. Now, how many city council members and Mayors locally can you say that about?

Your right Aquaman. Not only are Ludingtons City leaders lacking in leadership but they also fall short in the public response area and the disseminating of information. It's almost as if they relish keeping people in the dark as to what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Thanks for the positive affirmation of this enterprise, guys.  Don't forget that both of you have been along and contributing your own information and viewpoints over the long ride, and have served as inspiration for much of what ends up on here in my articles.  

We definitely are looking at what can make Ludington best in the future, and unfortunately we do not see an honest, open, accountable, and responsible government and media working for the citizens best interests.  We will never see such again unless we fight for those ideals ourselves and root out the corruption that has taken hold and wasted many of our abundant local resources.  I have seen positive signs lately that this may be attainable.


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