When sorting through the mail of my recently departed mother a little over a week ago, I found a letter from an organization called "YES for Ludington Area School District" (aka "Yes for LAS", like them on Facebook). I put it aside as something interesting, but not a bill. I opened it on Saturday and found this letter inside:
It instructs her to vote "Yes" on her absentee ballot, so whoever sent out this mailing, and I'm sure other regular absentee ballot voters in the district received them, did their research to target this segment of the voting population in a rather clandestine way. The very bottom of the letter indicates that the "Ludington Area Schools Committee" authorized and paid for the letter, and it was not printed at the taxpayer expense.
The absence of the mailer specifying that mailing costs were not at taxpayer expense, leads me to believe that they were at taxpayer expense, because the school has set aside a small yet significant portion of this 'bond' to help promote it's passage.
Found herein on page 15. You will also note that the committee that sent these mailers has a P.O. Box in Ludington, #729. Looking up that 'address' one finds that a couple of people signing on that mailer share that address, the Biggs':
Interestingly, Raymond Biggs main job is to be the President of West Shore Bank. Before we ask why might he be using his personal address as the address for the "YES for LAS" committee, let us also see a pattern among the other signatories of this letter. Four other members of West Shore Bank have added their signatures.
See this page: West Shore Bank Board. A majority, 9 of 17, of the signers are either on the WSB Board or the wife of a board member. The other members are prestigious members of the community, but neither of them are part of another local bank or lending institution.
Ask yourself, why exactly would the West Shore Bank be so involved with getting this debt millage/bond issue passed, even utilizing funds (possibly donated by the bank since they have a supermajority of the WSB Board on board) to assure its success at the polls? A hundred million dollars has to be loaned to the school from somewhere. Guess where?
If you love hidden agendas, local lending institutions making even more money at your expense, and the prospect of your fellow citizens losing their homes to the bank in foreclosure because they can't afford the ever-rising taxes, vote for the debt millage May 7th.
Thanks X for this very interesting information. For the elites this is business as usual. From City Hall business to schools, there is an incestuous relationship between the people who control life in Ludington. You have just revealed another glaring example of that in this school bond fiasco.
100 million dollars is a whole lot of money for even a large city school system but for a small burg like Ludington it is a budget buster. The second paragraph of this letter says it all. It implies just how hypocritical the powers to be are and how they are scamming the taxpayers.
Let's review that paragraph. "Our school district consistently operates on a balanced budget, putting us in a strong financial position" [then why in the World would you want to load this incredible tax burden on the backs of the taxpayers?] "We are providing superior education and our students are achieving top tier success in their academic and extra curriculum endeavors. " [If students are doing so well then why the need for debt? ] " To continue to provide 21st Century skills, safe and secure learning spaces and the best life educational preparation skills {double speak} we need to update our facilities for all students, now and in the future." [If you haven't noticed we are already 1/5 of the way thru the 21st century and according to you the students are doing just fine as things are]. " If approved, the bond will raise over 100 million dollars that would impact every student in the district, as well as provide a wonderful hub for our community to utilize and enjoy" [You forgot to add how it will impact those that are paying for this tax burden. I thought this treasure trove was for educating the kids not for making hubs. If you need hubs, I've got 4 on an old junker in my garage you can have for free}.
I hope people read this letter carefully because it reveals what kind of leadership is in control of our schools and this underhanded sneaky method of arm tugging is what can be expected from progressives. This tax vote is nothing but a wish list for making the school authorities surroundings more luxurious and of course there will be a lot of money traveling under the table and going into the pockets of their cronies, along with big raises I'm sure.
How stupid do they think people are?
Redfin says the average home price in Mason County is $148K while Trulia says it's $164K and another even says it's $184K for new homes being built now in the last 2-3 years. Where's the average $100K homes? Most of the absentee ballots cast are from elderly, handicapped, and other individuals that are mostly ill informed and can't study and understand issues of technical substance. West Shore Bank has a very strong conflict of interest here, but most won't investigate that like X did, so it won't be known until much later. If the last 20 years of crony schooling shows us anything, it's that much needed custodians that kept the schools in good shape for decades, aren't even being used much, and the significant decay is the result, poor management of resources that will only repeat itself if no changes are made now. Most graduates also no very little of the USA's history, can't do simple math equations, can't make a signature of their names, how gov't. works and our rights, and how to keep up their assets instead of just tossing them away.
I believe I once read somewhere that fecal matter floats....typically to the top. Clearly there is a lot of floating going on by very entitled people.
Shock, surprise or even getting more than a "nothing new" feels shameful yet it can be difficult to muster outrage day after day even though it is much warranted. The one and only reason these things and the other corruptions are permitted to continue is because of the pervasive believe that there is nothing that can be done.
It takes more than moxie and intelligence to continue the uphill trudge to continue to report daily occurrences of entitled floaters masquerading as "public servants." XLFD and loyal friends, you are all modern day heroes that bring hope for a better tomorrow.
Keep the Torch Burning.
Thanks for the pep talk, I was the object of a celebrity roast last night at the Ludington city council meeting by eight scions of the community (make that seven scions and Danny V), so I am thankful I am held in such high regard by my allies seeking accountability, my friends celebrating freedom, and my trustees seeking truth. It was classic city council intimidation and gaslighting tactics led by Chief Barnett, which is always unsettling.
Were you actually roasted by the council? Did they address you directly? If so, that's horrible as I thought all comments would be directed to the Chair. Also, as elected officials and/or government employees, they are subject to criticism (even if the criticism isn't always true or completely factual). This is protected by the First Amendment, which is why you can hear political opponents cast accusations against each other or hear a bias news media say false or misleading things about politicians. Same holds true for celebrities, which is why a publication like National Enquirer can publish complete nonsense and not be sued. I know it's small town politics, but it's still politics. If you can't take the heat, get out. Mr Rotta, you are a private citizen and are protected from such slander and libel from our governing officials.
Wonder Woman,
I have put up a recap of the April 8 meeting which includes a video. I can't contend that my recap narrative is unbiased, being so personally involved in the matter, but I think the last twenty minutes of the meeting video speaks for itself for anybody who wasn't there and whipped into the hysteria that followed my second comment.
Vote NO! I hope this bond proposal does not pass.
The West Shore Bank connections get even stronger. William Anderson is a former Director at West Shore Bank, Donald E Clingan was a former board member, and Lee Schoenherr was a former board member. Thirteen of seventeen of these signers have strong WSB connections. This isn't coincidental. They're banking on you to vote "Yes for WS"
Excellent work X. If I had any funds at WSB I would be withdrawing them. With all of this information you have uncovered it leads to another question. If this tax raise goes thru will the bidding process be rigged? I'm sure they have had this planned for some time now and I believe that from the first shovel full of dirt to the last dab of paint they have counted on their propaganda machine to help convince voters to approve this huge 100 million dollar tax increase and they know exactly who will be getting the work. It's laughable that they are portraying this as if they are concerned with the children when all they care about are their wallets. This is nothing but a sophisticated pick pocketing scheme. Imagine the cast of characters working behind the scenes and doing their best to get the fix in for their banking friends.
While I do not support the school millage and will be voting NO, I am curious if there is any concrete proof that West Shore Bank will provide the financing for this project.
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