Trump Guilty
Click Bait
We are just a day or two away from getting our first look at a version of the Mueller Report. Make no mistake about it, Donald Trump will be found guilty. Obstruction or collusion? Probably both. With the evidence contained in this report, never Trumper’s and mainstream media will have an endless supply of evidence against Trump. Sounds bad for President Trump, but don’t worry, these charges will lead nowhere.

Hard Bastard
President Trump will be charged with “media crimes”. A term introduced to me from watching Youtube vlogger “The Hard Bastard”. Hard Bastard describes media crimes the following way. “Not violating any statues, not going to be indicted, not going to jail, not going to be charged with a crime”. Many of the questions or inconsistencies the mainstream media may have with the Mueller Report will fall into the category.

Stay the Course
The public is going to be inundated with a whole new set of “proof” and "see we told you so’s”. Just remember one thing, the release of the Mueller Report will not lead to any further indictments. That will be the real take away from the Mueller Report.

Like and Subscribe
If your looking for someone new to watch on Youtube, I strongly suggest The Hard Bastard. He does live streams three nights a week and posts vlogs as well. Debunking left wing Youtuber’s and their theories are his forte. Just one word of caution, strong language is used. I wish to thank The Hard Bastard for permission to use his phase “media crimes”, unfortunately, I’ll be using it a lot more in the future.

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As long as there are so many people in this Country who remain ignorant we will forever be in jeopardy of losing America to alternate forms of governing. Common sense has gone out the window. I caught a small portion of Bernie Sanders on Fox's town hall forum. He was spewing a never ending barrage of Communist propaganda. If Fox continues to have leftist and progressives puking this nonsense then I will go back to watching reruns. Fox thinks they are being fair but they don't seem to realize that their broadcast and free speech will be taken away by these same progressive leftist they are trying to show fairness to. There is no middle ground for compromise with leftist. As Rush says they have to be defeated and removed from power so America can heal. When I have argued with friends who think that Congress should compromise in order to get things done, I ask them, how does one compromise principles such as killing children born alive after a failed abortion. You only kill every other baby? We cannot compromise with evil. These are the same people who initiated the phony Russian collusion scam and the same people who continue to believe and support those treasonous collaborators. And as unbelievable as it seems they are supported by half of America.

As far as the Mueller Report is concerned it's nothing but air and anyone who takes it seriously needs to educate themselves and learn about what has taken place the past few years. It is about a made up story filled with deceit and lies.  I hate to say this but it seems that most of Americans are just plain stupid. But of course the last few generations have been indoctrinated by leftists in our education system so until that is fixed we will never see a change in young peoples attitude and knowledge of how and why America came to be and of all the chaos caused by leaders World wide who embraced dictatorial ways of governing. It's almost staggering to think what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had won.

A relative fromTexas stopped by today, brought me a hat which at first I thought was a Make America Great again Hat. Same bright red color except it read, Make America a shit hole , VOTE DEMOCRAT . What would you expect from guy who was wearing a shirt that said. OBOMA CARE ONLY WORKS IF YOU DON"T      I didn't ask if he was a Republican  LOL

I've read the executive summary of the Mueller Report, released today and found at the beginning of the 400 odd pages.  No evidence of coordination or conspiracy after over two years of investigation with incredible access by the special counsel.  I almost feel sorry for those poor talking heads on CNN and other toxic media who are combing the 448 pages for anything that they can use to further smear or belittle the president, when there seems to be three fingers pointing at the people making the unproven claims.  

Thanks for the link X. I compare Mueller's Report to the contents of a balloon. There was nothing there at the beginning and nothing there when it's blown up. Just hot air. All I know is that the people who started this and continue to support it's proceedings had better be investigated and prosecuted because if that does not happen this will be the norm for every election won by a Conservative. The left is shutting down free speech and they are criminalizing conservative ideals. This entire situation could be a sequel to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

So are Americans that watch and believe CNN or MSNBC and main stream media ignorant, stupid or just plain crazy?

Its funny watching how the media is reporting on the release of the report. One headline I read mentioned how the report was filled with redactions while another report from a different outlet talked about how surprised they were that there wasn't that many redactions... its like how do you come to 2 conclusions so far apart from the same source? Most of the media of course won't admit it but obviously there is a slant that is geared more toward a progressive lean... Fox as far as its opinion programming of course has a conservative leaning slant, watching programming on the various networks is almost comical with one side talking about how the report was so damning while the opinion host on Fox talk about how there was nothing 'there' and the report proved it... again, its funny how 2 sides see things so drastically different.

The difference between Fox and CNN and it's ilk is the truth. CNN, MSNBC have been lying all this time so we really don't have 2 conclusions. We have the truth and lies. Any one who has been following this story has known from the beginning about the false accusations regarding Trump and the attempt to oust the President by way of a coup. This is not about 2 differing opinions, this is about America being subverted, taken over and controlled by the  radical Marxist left whose tentacles are in the deep state and World wide with the Globalism community. These are dangerous times for our Republic and it's important that people understand exactly what is going on before the Country is lost.

What's funny is when people will blurt out that Fox 'lies' yet when you ask them to produce some of the lies they have a tough time doing it. If anything they will post videos of Hannity and the other opinion spinners, not grasping that its opinion programming, just like Maddow's show and others on CNN and MSNBC. The host of the various shows will of course try and have some basis in truth but also will base part of their musings based on their personal feelings on the given subject. Lets remember that the definition of a opinion is as follows:

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge

When you tell them to provide you with 'lies' from the hard news portion of the day which is later in the morning through the middle of the afternoon other then during the noon hour when Fox has a program on called Outnumbered unless the news of the day happens to be more important.. example of this was yesterday when Outnumbered wasn't on because they were covering the release of the Mueller report. So far I have yet to see where Fox has outright lied about something, they have made mistakes and they make the correction when it happens. One of the funnier examples I've been provided with that is suppose to be of a Fox lie was back during the '08 election cycle.. both candidates still running, McCain and Obama had both had physicals and had provided the media with their Dr reports... the video I've seen that is supposedly a lie is that the anchor at the desk holds up a piece of paper which has Obama's Dr report. Obama was in good health so only a single sheet was needed. Not sure what the lie was there. Only thing I could think of is that they didn't offer McCain's Dr report at that point so it was somehow a lie or something... the people thinking it was a lie didn't bother to research though to discover that McCain's Dr report was made available the day before and was quite lengthy which wasn't a real surprise given all that he had been through in his life. 

Anyhow, a person with common sense takes the news media these days with a grain of salt. While I do watch Fox most of the time I do not take every word out of their mouths as gospel. As the old saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is and I'll go research it before passing it along.

What I tell  nay sayers and never Trumpers is to "Go and research the information and then make a decision". That's what I have been telling them  about the Trump and the Mueller investigation. A friend of mine who is extremely smart but who watches main stream media only and not Fox,  had never heard most of what we now know and what we have known all along. The news media he got his information from held back the truth or told outright lies. He did not even  know about Benghazi for almost 6 months after it happened because his news sources did not report it. I had to tell him what happened and who was involved and also that Obama refused to rescue the soldiers who were killed at the compound.  It's a sad day when freedom of the Press means freedom from the truth.

Investigate the investigator, when will it end?  Mueller should tell Congress to stick it up their 

When Mueller issued his report he was telling the American citizens to shove it where the sun don't shine. He could have wrapped up this mess once and for all but he left things hanging to sway in the breeze. Mueller is one of those deep state hit men trying to get rid of Trump. He is not  fair and impartial and trying to seek the truth. He is exactly opposite of what a good and honest prosecutor should be.

The Mueller investigation served it's purpose, it lasted long enough to help the Democrats win the House of Representatives and almost got them the Senate.  This report could have been finalized in October 2018 or before, but then it wouldn't have affected the 'independent base' that generally decides all elections to think of Trump and his Republican allies as somehow tainted by its own corruption.  Had this nothing-burger come out before the midterm election, we would have seen several close races lost to Republicans go red, as many in the electorate would have saw this for what it was, sour grapes cultivated by Democrats to embitter people against Trump-leaning Republicans.


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