To say Debbie is a bit goofy is a bit of an understatement. She's one that mentioned we should all buy American auto's yet she owns a foreign vehicle awhile back. The way I see it, if a person really wants to vote, they will do whatever they need to to make sure that they can. There are plenty of community organizations that will help people with getting to and from voting locations as well as helping them get ID's if that is what is needed. For her to call the requirement for an ID cheating is just plain silly.
DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) says the Republican party is trying to disenfranchise and "suppress" the votes of minorities and other groups in the Democratic voting bloc by enacting laws requiring a valid I.D. at polls.
"It's very transparent who they're trying to block from the polls and who they're trying to block from the polls and who they want to smooth the path for," Wasserman Schultz said in an interview with MSNBC's Martin Bashir.
State Republican legislatures are passing bills that require a valid I.D. in order to vote to prevent voter fraud. However, Wasserman Schultz denies that charge, saying fraud is "simply a problem that doesn't exist."
The DNC Chairwoman accused the Republican party of not being able to "win elections on the merits," so they have to cheat.
"They know they can't win elections on the merits, so they're trying to rig elections by blocking people's access to the polls," Wasserman Schultz charged.
Is she nuts? How can a rational person say the showing ID and proving who you are to vote is cheating. This is the type of double speak and twisted logic used by Democrats. The only reason she is against this is because she wants illegals to be able to vote and this law would help to filter out those who should not be voting. Anyone who agrees with her also has sh-t for brains.
anyone with an ounce of brains knows what she means, vote often, and allow the dead to vote, and I don't mean brain dead, as so many are, herself included.
Well, politics aside i DO agree with her, it is a pain in the @ to get an ID here in MI. A document from column A,B, and C. What really po'd me was the fact that I have been doing bizpaperwork with the local SEC of state since I was 16 and still got a bunch of "you gotta have this and that" when they know damn well who i am and who nearly every one in my family is. The witch says "how do I know you were born here?" I was like are you freaking kidding me, I showed horses with you when I was like 5. grrr...screw ID's and DL's we should NOT have to have them! But I guess I could have been born in arabia or mexico *roll eyes* :end rant:
Every so often, like the third DL, you have to go into the SOS offc. and renew with a new pic.. Nowadays, they require a birth certificate, preferably your original, or a passport, and voters registration, and any other form of ID, preferably with a pic too. It's a hassle at best, and not warranted for a DL imho. But it's the way it is. And to vote, you should already have a voters registration on your person. These checks and balances are becoming more stringent and a nuisance to most of us, but, if you have the documents, just show them. However, for those that don't, they will be scrutinized and for voting purposes, it may be a better system than what we have seen in the recent past with frauds.
In some states, when you go to get a drivers license its valid for a much longer time. On occasion in my job I have to do cell phone contracts and need to see a persons ID. A few months back a younger guy came in wanting to get a credit check done so while I was inputting his information I noticed that the expiration date of the license wasn't for several years.. like maybe 10 years or so.. be nice if Michigan could adapt such a policy but with the issues with money on the state level, I don't foresee that happening.
Well, it costs around $65 to get you BC from national org "vitalrecords' if it is not at the local courthouse so I never have had one until I had to for sec of st. when they came out with all the stupid new rules when I was 30 or something. ( I was born here just no files in Lud/records sealed)
I believe if the government puts a duty on the citizenry to show a 'valid ID' in order to be able to express a right-- to vote-- then they also need to put a duty on the government to make sure all citizens capable of voting get a 'valid ID'. Which would mean there needs to be a means for indigent people (and perhaps everyone) to get 'valid IDs' free of charge. Because of that, I have to side with Debbie Wasserman Schultz on this one.
You don't need a 'valid ID' to register (see left column) why would you need one to vote? I think the Fourteenth Amendment would make such laws the Republicans envision have SOS offices nationwide lose a lot of revenue by not being able to charge many for IDs, while making them do more work.
Voter fraud is bad and should be avoided, but there would be other, better ways, to avoid it.
I believe in most areas, specially the bigger cities where the potential for voter fraud is more likely they there are many groups that will help those citizens that would need assistance, including financial assistance, to get whatever they would need to vote.
Exactly , Atlas..... If they don't know who you are at the polls an ID isn't a problem.... BUT here is what happens to me EVERY time I vote. I walk in fill out my slip and the FIRST woman I see is one of my childhood pals mom. she greets me BY NAME and makes small talk, then the person sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HER asks for my ID......Really..? -- and seated at the end of the table is the local GOP "observer" making sure that they can keep someone from voting if they don't produce a license.....
If there is one thing I truly dislike it is the Governments overbearing regulations and invasion of privacy but,in this case, it is the right thing to do. How else can you filter out the 20 to 30 million illegals and prevent them from voting. Their numbers are large enough to swing an election. That's why the Democrats want to grant them amnesty. And how do you prevent someone from voting twice or voting in place of other people.
I agree with your ends, Willy, but I disagree with requiring government-supplied ID as the means, unless those government-supplied IDs are made available to you when you register to vote for no charge. Some people who want to vote now but don't have any other reason for having a picture ID, like a poor young person with no car available, will have to effectively pay a "poll tax" to vote.
There should be other brilliant ideas that could circumvent this, like when they used a special ink on the Iraqis thumbs for their first democratic election. It would of course have to be a more sophisticated approach for us here.
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