As pretty much everyone knows by now, the President has publicly stated that he supports gay marriage. If that is truly how he feels then fine, every one has a right to their opinion on the subject... but... is that honestly how he feels? I have my doubts about his sincerity and that he's simply attempting to try and garner votes from the LBGT community. Here is my reasoning why I'm suspect of his announcement... main reason I have my doubts about his statement is simply that for several years he has repeatedly stated that he believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. Just seems awfully suspect that here in a election year where he hasn't gotten nearly the enthusiasm he did as when he was first running for the office of president that all of a sudden he changes his mind on the subject. Throw in that they were not going to make this announcement until closer to the Democratic convention and it stinks even more... I mean come on, if this isn't meant to be a 'political' thing and simply what the president is thinking, it should of never of been something that would have to be 'announced' at any point in time. If it hadn't been for Biden speaking his mind recently on the subject, it wouldn't of came to light until the 'announcement'.

While its possible that he may have actually changed his mind on the subject... we all have the right to change our minds... the timing and circumstances just don't add up for it to be an honest response when all things are considered.

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Yeah, lets have no more mention of Playboy model lesbians and marriage in the same paragraph, however I want to thank you for the mental vision you created regarding that type of naughty union.

I could not fathom WHY Obama would even comment on the Gay Marriage issue at this point.........that was perhaps the stupidest thing he has ever done,IMO.(well, next to playing Chicago politics with the Asian Carp situation) He has now made a sure thing election win into a actual race. What will be the over/under odds on how many times Romney runs a clip of THAT Obama speech in his ads between now and  November ....600?......

I think your right, it would be safe to say that we'll see plenty of reminders of Obama repeatedly saying over the last several years how he thought that marriage was between a man and a woman and his current stance. If he had changed his mind at any other point then being in an election year I might of been able to have more faith in him being honest with the statement but just to many inconsistencies for me to put faith behind it.

When you start adding up all the mistakes Obama intentionally made in the last year or so, it makes a conservative like me wonder if he's intentionally trying to lose the election: gay marriage, child labor on farmers, supporting new Black Panthers, opposing stand your ground laws, opposing Az. immigration laws, flipping off the supreme court and the catholic church, opposing new energy drilling/pipelines/coal resources, spending like no tomorrow, spiking the Bin Laden ball, and I'm sure I missed a few more strategic points of disgrace.

Well, Aqua, with all due repect, Stand your ground is a horrible law(as being exploited presently in FLA). The supreme court AND the Catholic church both need flipping off(at the very least the church should have their tax exempt status pulled) and the drilling /pipeline/coal (energy industry) needs to be seriously revamped in both their policies and economic systems. as far as "spiking the ball on Bin Laden"..... really...?  didn't you see Lil' Georgie on the aircraft carrier (in 2002 !) saying "Mission Accomplished"....?

I fully support "stand your ground laws". If they weren't necessary there would be no need for them. Aquaman explains their necessity very well. The Supreme needs to be an interpreter of the Constitution only and not a political soapbox.  The Catholic Church and all the other churches are   rocks in the foundation of this Country and they are our moral compasses. Churches are free of taxes to prevent abuse from Governmental control and are necessary for religious freedom. I don't blame Obama for spiking the ball, but spiking it over and over makes it obvious he cares only about the political ramifications of Bin Ladens demise.

I would disagree with that it was political. I'd say it is political suicide. He(Obama) will lose more votes from the middle than he will gain from the gay community. I'm to the left and I oppose GM for these reasons. To me it's getting extra rights simply because you are in a gay relationship. confused..? Take this scenario....A few years back two young hetro men ,just out of college, rented the house next door to mine. They threw many parties(as 20 somethings do)loaned me tools on a couple of occations and were all in all just good neighbors. now WHY should a gay couple in the same situation get a tax break, mutual finacial advantages and additional health care benefits over my former neighbors , JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY....? What would prevent hetros seeing others get these benefits from finding a hokey church , getting "married" and getting these benefits for themselves...? Can our government really afford all these tax breaks NOW...? Until these questions are answered...I cannot support GM....and WHY do they want to get married in the first place...? I cannot think of two more restrictive things than being married or in the military...and THIS is what gays want for "freedom"....?

Excellent point.  Liberty being measured by matrimony and militarization does make an odd yardstick.

Getting back to Atlas's statements on not marrying, hating marriage etc.; just fyi, you are already in a marriage after 18 years with the same partner and perhaps don't know it. The law, and courts, both recognize common laws regarding relationships, and clearly states that after 7 years in the same bed together, you are in a common law marriage relationship. Reference the old Lee Marvin case for example. Should you have an untimely demise, all in that house automatically becomes his to keep or sell pretty much. Unless that is, you have a sworn affidavit on file with the probate court/your attorney, and/or a last will and testament to declare otherwise. You might just want to check on that, unless you prefer the alternative, just a thought.

Thanks too Snide, we must respectfully agree to disagree too once in a blue moon. The "stand your ground" law was meant to intentionally allow citizens the right to defend themselves with lethal actions when they are being threatened with a life or death situation from intruders/strangers/anyone. This was esp. meant to protect Fl. homeowners that have been killed/mauled/raped/beaten and so forth by thieves/mugs/druggies etc.. Previously, some that attempted to defend themselves rightfully so, became targets of the court system to defend lesser murder and/or manslaughter charges, instead of the thieves going to jail, cause they are severely wounded or dead, the innocent homeowner lands in prison. I full agree with the "stand your ground" laws, and further believe George Zimmerman used that to save his very own life. I myself fully intend to defend my own life, my own home, and property in the exact same way if that situation presents itself in the future, as in the past. It's time to take actions ourselves nowadays, and not wait to die from stupid laws that are protecting criminals, instead of innocent citizens, just my opinion. The main exploiters I see are Sharpton and the Black Panthers, not Zimmerman types.

Respectfully stating ones opinion with another I certainly find enlightening. I'd have to agree with you on Sharpton and his deck of race cards(that he plays every time he opens his mouth). But, when I say the stand your ground was being exploited , i mean that Zimmerman's legal team is hiding behind that law. Martin has/had just as much right to the public ground that they were standing on as Zimmerman.You can't just shoot someone that looks out of place or strange to you..... Zimmerman picked that fight and got roughed up by a minor and will now go to prison for it.


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