A deer last night made the unfortunate decision to try and attack my van last night on the way home... didn't work out so good for the deer. Instead of just standing in the road and waiting for someone to hit it, this deer ran into the side of my van.. needless to say I was a bit surprised when that happened. I had just gotten off the freeway and was cruising along toward town and all of a sudden there was a **WHAM** on the side of the van. I pulled over expecting there to be plenty of damage but was relievd to discover that what damage there was, wasn't all that bad. Aside from a few dents, the rear view mirror broken off and hanging and a few bits of deer fur stuck in the door handle, the van survived the incident pretty well.

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Cool.... at the least it might give a general idea of what maybe to expect

Wow! that quarter(side) panel new is $1245.00!!

Well, writing off pictures on a system I never used before(kind of like the first day of using a mac instead of Windows) I came up with 3978.03. I am sure if I was writing on my own system I would have a different price within a few hundred dollars(minus or plus).  And I could change some of the things like the difference in using OEM, A/M  or used parts. estimating parameters but...

But I say you have a definite total loss based on the KBB value of your vehicle (using 200,000 miles and the LE model so most expensive caravan it comes up about 2861.00 in excellent condition) excellent condition SE is 2500 and on the base model is only $1911.00.

It is a total if the cost of the repairs are equal to or greater than 70% of the vehicles value. so at the 3000 value vehicle mark the estimate could not be more than 2100.00 to not total it. or at 2000 it could not be more than 1400.00

I wish you luck on whatever you decide to do with your van, Dave, and I'm sure Shrugs will not steer you wrong, but I was originally weirded out by this thread, because Masonco and Aquaman fairly quickly "Liked" it.  It kind of reminded me of the person who puts out on "Facebook" a statement that they are sad, and they get people "liking" it.  Are they liking the fact that you're sad, or are they liking that you are admitting you're sad, or are they commisserating with your sadness?  Either way, it's kind of whack. 

I will presume they liked the fact that you were not hurt and that your van was still operable, because they generally like you.

I like cause he's safe and the van runs. Usually I click like cause I'm saying I read it, feel your joy (or pain) and said a prayer for you.

Dittos Masonco, took the words right out of my mouth, thanks. Btw, it's unusual to slim that several gauges on any vehicle will terminate all at the same time, you definitely have an electrical short, could most likely be the ground wire, also check fuses, and the terminal connection. I have a friend with a '93 2wd Chevy truck for sale, $3500 asking, has v-8 and 103K miles, good condition with tonneau cover too, standard cab in gray cloth over black body if interested, he may be open to offers too soon.

My folks and I have wondered if it isn't a bad sensor somewhere. The reason we think that is just from the extremes of when the gauges will work and when they wont. Like I say, its either when its really cold/winter time or when its really warm/summer time. Typically during the spring and fall the gauges wont work, unless of course we have either extreme of hot or cold weather.

I'm sure X will say it was your fault even though the deer ran into you.

Well, that goes without saying, LOL.

I think it is Dave's fault, however, because if you've ever seen him, he's got at least 28 points on his rack.  Does this make him irresistable to the does?  It does.

Well, after what seems to me to be an exceedingly long time to get an estimate/judgement on what's going on with the vehicle, the insurance company finally called this morning and said that the vehicle is going to be a total loss. I didn't hear the total message but did happen to catch that so I don't have all the particulars as of yet, will probably call them back in a bit after I wake up a bit more (I'm not much of a morning person).

Sorry Dave, good luck locating a replacement vehicle, and a fair settlement from the insurance company.

Bad luck usually comes in threes Dave, so 1)  Your car has been totalled by Bambi  2)  Your favorite downtown sport's bar and pizzeria has been decimated by fire  3)  ???

Watch yourself, but let us know when this last shoe drops.


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