Creepy Pro-Obama Video Starring A Bunch Of Kids

This video is just creepy... can you say indoctrination? Regardless of what your political persuasion is, having kids do videos like this is just messed up.

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I wouldn't be surprised that I have gotten on a couple of lists by my FOIA activity and my other political activities.  The Patriot Act was a terrible encroachment on liberties (even if it was thought proper at the time of its passage) and it has been compounded by the recent laws passed with little fanfare or political discussion, such as the NDAA Law

Basic training sounds like a good character builder for kids, but it shouldn't be compulsory, or done too early, or administered by a public entity, in my opinion.

Patriotic and constitutional type citizens, Beware, we MUST see this for what it truly is. And Obama, as illustrated, isn't the first or only leader to try these tactics with our youth. Carefully watch and vote according to what Obama does and acts out on the stage of life, NOT what he says with words that betray our passive loving nature and trust as true Americans!

At least someone is paying attention to Ludington. Caught a photo of this bus today. The Attorney general and other politicians stopped at House of Flavors and were then going to a meeting over at the County Replican Committee office at the Hotel downtown. I stopped and talked to some of them and gave them some encouragement.


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