2nd grader suspended for possession of imaginary hand grenades

This whole political correctness thing is getting way out of hand! Just way to much stupidity out there in some of these silly rules that are made. Use a little common sense for gods sake. If the kid was talking about hurting classmates or something that would be one thing but when he's trying to rid the world of 'evil forces' then let him play!

2nd grader suspended for possession of imaginary hand grenades

Published by: Robert Laurie on Tuesday February 5th, 2013

Robert Laurie

By ROBERT LAURIE - More asinine overreaction from the quivering minds of school officials

In Loveland Colorado, about 45 minutes North of Denver, a 7-year-old 2nd grader has been suspended for trying to save the world.  It appears that the boy lobbed "an imaginary grenade into a box with what he called pretend evil forces inside." 

According to the child, he pretended to blow up the box "so nothing can get out and destroy the world."

Thank God he wasn't carrying a Hello Kitty Bubble Gun, a small piece of paper, or a pointed finger.  Who knows what kind of imaginary trauma he could have caused with one of those.


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I bet that kid would handle a real grenade better than these guys.

Another appalling example of school officials gone stupid, lazy, and inept. Should fire and sue every one of them for these poor reactions to kids being kids. Kids have enough to learn in real life situations, without this strife and unwarranted suspensions. Crazy!

they are just being politictly correct.

I've decided for convenience I'll start being politicly correct also,

My firearms are not illegal, they are undocumented. Hows that?

Good point, easymoney.

That's funny easy.

I believe this nationally is becoming epidemic in nature, totally baseless suspensions. Unless and until some punishments to those school officials is taken and enforced, I believe we will see this type of behavior continue, and perhaps worsen. We as a nation cannot put up with this behavior by school officials, their timid reversal of suspensions, without any apologies to the students and families affected, will just fuel the fire for it to worsen. It's a paranoia gone wild, and has no place in the teaching of kids that need all the well balanced examples by their teachers they can receive, so they become productive adults, not panty-waste scaredie cats that are afraid of their own shadows. I guess instead of what JFK espoused as necessary in our schools, healthy bodies make for a healthy mind, teachers now want kids obese, dumbed-down, brainwashed in conduct for political correctness sakes, and glued to electronic devices.

the dumbing down is set up by your gov.(thank you mr. carter)  if these kids are not taught to think for themselves, they can be controled. Bottom line, period. I believe it WAS called critical thinking.

Todays ill imformed voters.

More true than we realize easy. Personally, I think it's a travesty to eliminate physical education in the school system nowadays. Strong body = strong mind applies to every student of yesterday, as well as today.


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