....individuals over at a certain forum would feel it humorous to poke fun at this site when they are so weak in their individual beliefs that they can't even deal with any one that doesn't agree with them.

Probably wouldn't be so sad except for the fact that they can't even live up to what it says right on their main page, that 'everyone' is welcome.... everyone that agrees with them anyway. Its like you have freedom of speech there as long as you don't rock the boat.

Oh well, its their loss if they wish to stay there instead of visiting other forums where you can actually speak your mind :-)

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I tune in to the site whenever the wood stove runs low, the two fireplaces on each side of the webpage actually seem to heat the room up. Barack Obama needs to tell us to tune into the Ludington Torch after we weatherstrip our windows.
And don't forget to inflate those car tires, ya know. Like Al Gore's, Pelosi, and Reid do to their big Limos.
Good point on the "cowards" aspect, Max. It reminds me of a time in my life, not so long ago, when I was some Ash Wholesome on LT and pointed out an E-mail I got back from Ludington City Council member Gary Castonia saying that the people who were at Ludington Tawks are cowards. If you check deep in the roster of members (or use the search feature) on LT you will find that someone named Gary Castonia from Ludington has been a member of LT for quite a long time.

Mr. Castonia, you're at least partially right!
I vaguely remember a couple guys over yonder were going to start a petition for recall. In the 6th weard/ward? Did that materialize any yet? I wonder how many signatures are required???, since only a scant few hundred or less voted him in to begin with. Wouldn't that catch the ole boy offguard?
Behr is starting to get as bad as LT & shoreline media - I posted on the soup about needing to stop acting so immature & get back to discussion the more important topics & he, Casey and a few others decided to "dog pile" on myself. Of course being who I am, defended myself and now I see Behr had deleted my posts & my responses to others posts about me. Seems he can dish it out but not take it when its given back!
Yeah, that's getting to be his MO over there. It's all fine and dandy until you say something that he or his 'followers' don't agree on and then you might as well be Satan. It seems that he doesn't realize that he's turning that sight into a joke. He has a grand dream of making that sight a big deal but i'm having a hard time seeing that happening if he's selectively deleting post and in some cases people for having opinions other then his. He's turned into what he hated most about LT and doesn't even realize it.

I kind of look at it this way, when their most active thread over there appears to a thread about another website that they refer to the participants as cowards instead of say a thread on something worthwhile, I'd say there are some issues.
Like United States
If Ning site forgets hist'ry
Will end up in ruin.
Some ISSUES? MO? Dish but can't take it? You the peeps, got it on track/cue as usual too! Where's the guy "doing battle" tonite? Yuk Yuk Yuk. Over yonder?
I dont mind playing the part of Satan from time to time! LMAO! hahah I am surprised he hasnt banned me yet -- it seems all my posts that had the correct information and were dogging him were deleted - he wants the truth yet he cant handle it cuz he is in his own little world!!
He does like to delete a few things from time to time. I had a thread awhile back over there that had ran pretty long, lots of replies. He of course was getting his butt handed to him in it and so one night I come home after work and went to look to see if there had been any more replies and come find out that the thread was gone.. nothing. Maybe he should of named himself Behr The Censorer :-D
"little world" is right Angela. Don't get him started on anti-global warming debates again either, unless you want to see him go totally wild. Correct info., facts, links to research, anything relevant to a topic, drives some up the wall. I prefer to be independent in thinking, that can be swayed in a topic, if it's clear that my opinions or facts were incorrect. I would hope others would be mature enuf to do the same. But, that's just me.
Don't blow your pumkins up yet!


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