When I look at how certain states define what is an "essential" business and what isn't, and how they permit the essential ones to operate, while prohibiting the others to do so, I cannot help but harken back to a darker period of American history.
How is the government forcing a so-called 'non-essential business' not to operate any different than telling black people they had to sit in the back of the bus back in the 1960s? How is it any different than telling those same people they did not have any of the liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights for the first four score and nine years of the republic?
Many state governors have ignored their oaths to protect and preserve the two Constitutions they operate under. This has led to the classifications of businesses as essential and not in most states, including Michigan. Ones that aren't essential have been forced to close down since early March, at that time it was considered a necessary part of a 14 day 'flattening the curve' process in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep the need for health care under the capacity of the health care system.
That two week period grew to 30 days, and has kept growing, it's now over eight weeks. During that time, the virus crisis has been exploited by many politicians and media outlets for their own benefit. The hype and fear some have promoted remind one of similar tactics used throughout two other recent news stories that turned out to be nothing-burgers in the end and throughout: the Mueller investigation and the impeachment inquiry.
Both of those centered on besmirching President Trump without any clear narrative. A perusal of the coverage and politics over the last two months shows this one has the same target, roughly the same strategy. While I initially couldn't believe that one party and their press allies would try to collapse the country's economy for political gain, the evidence has just been too overwhelming not to believe it hasn't happened.
For people that operate or work for 'nonessential' businesses, the new deal has offered them a choice as to whether to go broke, rely on government handouts that aren't arriving fast enough, or violate their governor's orders and get back to work. Owosso barber Karl Manke, 77, has decided on the latter, citing his need to work to get an income.
Starting a business always involves taking a risk, even when there is not a pandemic in the wings. Restarting a business when your governor has made it clear you are not essential involves even more risk. Karl Manke has made it known that he will "be open until Jesus walks in or until they arrest me."
“I don’t need the governor to be my mother," Karl relates. “I have one. God bless her, she’s gone now. I don’t need another mother. I can make these adult decisions myself.”
Karl has worked 14 hour days this week, with clients lining up for his 'non-essential' offering. They seem more than willing to take risks too, which seem minimal due to Karl's adherence to safety precautions. Despite the science showing COVID-19 being less deadly and less communicative than early models indicated, nobody at the state level has been tasked with looking to see whether non-essential businesses could be ran safely, even after the peak of the curve has been reached.
Such defiance of the governor's edict has not gone without notice by local authorities. Elsewhere this Tuesday, a salon owner in Texas was jailed for daring to open her shop. Owosso police wrote two citations for Karl on Wednesday. According to those, he needs to appear in court on June 6, he has said that he will remain open. Karl Manke and all other people who defy these unjustified, unconstitutional and non-essential 'laws' deserve recognition as the rebellious patriots they are.
Owners of non-essential businesses should rise up in solidarity with Karl Manke and have their "I am Spartacus" moment by opening up their businesses smartly and safely in defiance of a governor who continues to rule with an iron hand despite not being allowed to rule by the legislature by dint of their vote last week.
Well said X. Yesterday I was at a business in lansing paying my phone bill, they have offices all over, and customers were not allowed inside unless they wore a mask and were there to only pick up or drop off a phone or item for repair. A young lady employee was standing outside in the fresh air wearing one of those silly masks. My car was the only one in their lot. I looked across the street at a meijer store and could not see a single open parking space. The Meijer lot was full. So I asked the young lady outside of the pnone store if she thought that it was odd that her lot was empty and she was outside wearing a mask while the Meijer's lot was packed and bustling with customers. She just shrugged, as if to say "oh well". I don't understand how people cannot see the absurdity of the situation and the loss of Constitutional rights and freedoms. Your right X, it's up to the people to put a stop to this insanity.
Karl Manke is my new hero, so thanks for giving him one of our white-collared shirts. The heat grew today, as you might have thought it would, since state officials wouldn't think of working over the weekend if they can help it. He made a similar observation as you did with the phone company and Meijer's. As reported in this WWMT article, a nasty letter from AG "Damnation Dana" Nessel was delivered by the State Goon Squad:
"It is without question that we are in the middle of a public health crisis. Both the Governor, through her executive orders, and the DHHS Director, through his orders, are focused on protecting the public health of Michigan residents. Based upon our present knowledge of COVID-19, businesses that require close contact – like Mr. Manke’s barbershop – present one of the highest risks for spreading the virus, not just to the City of Owosso, but to the State of Michigan as a whole. According to recent new stories, the shop has received visits from Ann Arbor, Saginaw, Detroit, Jackson and other areas.
Mr. Manke was given every opportunity to voluntarily comply with the Governor’s Executive Order and the order of the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services Director. As a result of his continued operation, today his business was deemed an imminent danger to the public health and ordered to be shut down by the DHHS Director. If he refuses, the Department of Attorney General will request an order from the Shiawassee County Circuit Court on Monday to close his business. Mr. Manke’s actions are not a display of harmless civil disobedience. His actions are counterproductive to the collective effort businesses and communities everywhere have made to slow the spread of COVID-19, and by opening the doors to his business, he’s putting the lives of many more Michiganders at risk."
Nonsense, Manke's civil disobedience is only harmful to the totalitarian authority of the leftist dictators heading Michigan First Reich. Nessel and Whitmer are probably tittering with glee over the prospect that their state troopers will come for him next week and taser the septuagenarian when he won't drop his scissors, and it will all be on video so they can get their jollies watching it over and over again.
The interview with Manke on the link provided shows what a wonderful person he is; this will be the guy standing in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square, the question is will the State keep the tanks rolling?
It's a bull sh*t deal If people want their hair cut , let them get one. If you feel unsafe don't go. It's not like a little longer hair is a big problem. I was talking to my buddy tonight and he stated he hadn't had a hair cut since the shops were closed . It was kinda comical , he was frekin out . He normally gets one very 2 weeks. I think he likes the big busted woman that trims him up. LOL. Myself, barbers would go broke if they depended on me as I only get a hair cut in the spring , maybe once more if I have to look better for some special occasion. This Karl Manke should close on Monday, the cops will show up , big closed sign on the door, what they going to do? open on Tuesday, really piss them off.
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