So watching the latest replay of the COL council meeting I was really touched by one citizens comment. A long time resident that had the same feeling I, and many of you have driving down Ludington Ave west, WOW, what a beautiful view!

The courage it takes to speak in public in front of the big bad council in Ludington that think they are above all, constantly rolling their eyes. I respect her courage, myself I would have a hard time not getting mad and not spewing expletives! So Dianne Neil Engblade, thank you for your strong steady voice, I may need to hire you to speak for me in the near future?

Now Shay gets up to speak and in his melodramatic tone says all kinds of stuff. Finally in seeming response to her comment that nothing would be taller than him, what a liar! I see he wants a kayak rental, and many other things like that there and as XLFD has pointed out there would be tents/canopies, etc that would block her view. DAMMIT John Shay, this lifetime taxpayer matters and you need to recognize her and the many others that may be intimidated by you and the other council and don't speak out! For me to say this is a DAMN shame, government is "of the people for the people!"  When will they realize this? I wish everyone had this womans courage! It is a city of 8000, everyone needs to work together.

Ok back to the kayak thing. Seriously? Where are these people supposed to kayak? I have a brilliant suggestion, one we were going to do before the WWTP blew out along with 15 plus million gallons of raw sewage in 2008 that is still there! Put it by the DNR/city ramp in the PM Bayou corner, of course after you clean it up. It is a start toward your master plan to develop this whole area as historic. If they kayak at the west end area and one goes out past the breakwall, waves kick up and they capsize then what? It is an insurable night mare! No way should this happen or the city approve kayak rentals there. On accident and millions will be lost. Kayaking in Lake Michigan or that close is a ridiculous idea period! Kayaking needs to start at the corner near the creamy corners drain!

The PM Bayou is where this should happen and what I spoke to Shay about in 2013 when dredging was being considered. I told him of our willingness to sell property to help things move along but do not agree with anyone there needing "skin in the game" since we did not ruin our properties, the WWTP, sewage line break, COL, Mason Cty, etc, did.

Seems to make more sense, spread the greater good, a project like this would add jobs, tax base and maybe even open a few more businesses and expand the population.

I remember as a kid working at the marina making some money from boaters helping them with my cousins then walking up to the party store on 1st street getting slurpees, pop, candy, etc, this is what Ludingtion is about, but only if as a whole city not just Shay and the COL's picks!

Back then times were so much better, there were people working to bring everyone up, not just their wealthy friends. Need to get back to our roots!

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I agree jfc123. Your idea of a kayak launch at the bayou is a good one but those in charge don't want people going there, they want them near downtown and the beach. Your right about the kayak shack and all the other "tall" things proposed for the west end. After all this is only the beginning of this foolish plan. By the time they are done the entire west end will be unrecognizable. The encroachment of the project will forever alter one of Ludingtons gems. I also want to thank all the folks who stood up and said their piece. When Shay was giving his report and commenting on what some of the audience had said he smirked and laughed a few times. This guy is a condescending ahole. And Holeman, how can anyone who has grownup in Ludington not have ever parked at the west end of Ludington Ave? Is she kidding? At least she is claiming to have talked to some people about it. I also agree with X that if this is approved, the people of Ludington should be the one's who decide it's fate at the voting booths.

Sad to see this petition has such little support? If you want your opinions to matter at all you need to speak up, and not just here. Maybe this is why the council acts as they do, because they have most of the city afraid to speak up? Here is the link again, please all opposed sign, or forever hold your peace!

Willy, I agree with you that they don't want people there but can not understand why? If there was money to improve/update that area it would be the best around as far as a marina/campsite would compare in the region. The setting is low to avoid most storms and far inland not to be damaged by winds/waves. Premium lakefront property actually!

Only thing wrong is the COL, the WWTP, the storm of 2008 that they wont clean up from, mason County, drain commission, oh, and the state of Michigan! Although there are several emails going around state officials wondering why this has not been touched and why they have to deal with it when it should have been taken care of.(notice I intentionally did not use quote?) lol


The people here who are going to sign the petition already have. 

You have to make an extra effort to reach the others who don't have a clue to what is happening.. You have to walk the breakwall weekend mornings letting the fishermen know that as it is planned there will be no parking between the South Concession Stand and the Loomis Street launch site save for 8 spaces by the playground. (Playground only parking ?) unless the are driving an RV (RV parking only on the East Side across from the pier).

You have to reach out to the playground users and let them know that there will no longer be a West End of Ludington Ave to park at. That the plans are for 8 spaces along Stearns Outer Drive across from the skate park and that the end of the Drive will be reduced to one lane making exiting more difficult. Or that they  can put up with parking in the Loomis Street launch site, And all summer long they will have to manuver through the beer tent zone.

You have to reach the people who enjoy the Lake view as far back as Ferry Street and let them no that it will be gone forever.

You have to make an effort to print out a handout with the petition address and the reasons why it is a bad idea and get them distributed. Especially ask that they reach out to others online to sign the petition. 

You have to get the petition in the paper, either in the letters to the editor or break down and spent the price for an ad.

The West End Scheme is a bad idea, not very well planned or thought out. And is a waste of taxpayers money.

Sorry it took me so long. I tend to read this site from my smartphone and its sometimes difficult to follow links to websites from the small screen (old eyes - LOL). I will also share on my FB page, I have a lot of fishing and boating friends who consider Ludington a second home. 

In the Saturday edition of the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) they failed to report on an important change in the West End Project.  Since the last meeting, they have decided to not include the walkway between the west end and the breakwall (a snipping of the council packet is above).  They are saying this would reduce the project by $90,000; previous applications have put the walkway and the attendant lights and other 'walkway' portions closer to the $225,000 mark...

On a better note, Captain Ed Thompson's petition and its 117 signatures are also in the packet, but it is not likely to be sent in to the MI DNR, so it must be referenced at the public hearing, preferably repeatedly. 

I am so sick and tired of all of this lack of understanding in the outreach of Putin in the US called Ludington! How the hell can they be allowed to get away with their lack of care for residents they take a pledge to support?

I shared and got a lot of signatures for this petition because as I read it I realized it was by someone who cared and loved the city they live in. And, btw I got a lot of people to sign by sharing on Facebook. Thank you Ed and we are supporting any effort you have going forward!  Best part is every single one visits there on a regular basis, but as a tourist. Most wont go back if they cement it like they do down here, a big reason we vacation in Ludington!

Marina project, west end project and the PM Bayou is still like a toilet and the MDEQ also agrees, yet the city laughs and does nothing? GOD please help us we need a decent lawyer that will work FOR us not take the few dollars we have left! COL you are a true Putin regime!

Can not believe this is allowed in the USA, even more so in the state of MI where the gov is so in trouble. Damn its been 8 years now and 1.8 million to fix a city marina? Frickin kidding me?

Hmmm....wonder why I am pissed?

Where are the results our state government promised? Feds also.

If you have an issue you need to complain, there has never been a better time due to the troubles in Flint! Please everyone tell your story to constituent services, talk to your friends and passerby's.

WOW, if they cant fish off of the break walls what good are they there for then? Kayaks located there, people will die, such a TERRIBLE idea!

Ludington is turning into a suck ass area, what is next a Starbucks at the projects for a nature walk?


Not happy gonna try everything to disrupt!

Everyone that cares and is in Lud. right now needs to attend that Council Mtg. on Monday nite at 6:30pm sharp, and in BIG NUMBERS! Else, I am afraid that this project is going to pass, and damn the torpedos, full steam ahead on a part of Lud. that will be forever lost to the locals. Fact of the matter is, the locals should have NEVER allowed the COL to use that space for tents and special events to begin with, then this wouldn't have been thought of. But, we stood by and let this much happen, and thought oh well, it's just a 4-6 weekend deal, and let it go at that. NOW it's a Big Deal! If that council room is FULL of Folks there to comment and oppose the plan, the LDN/MCP and others are going to take notice, and HAVE to REPORT it as Big News! Don't let the COL Ram this project down our throats, esp. the innovator, big city Shyster Shay! Btw, if that petition goes down in ruins with the COL, you can bet that local Capt. is going to pass it on, with prejudice, to the DNR Trust Fund panel that will make the final decisions on the grants.

Just dawned on me that jfc made a great point earlier about safety on the Water Trail project being introduced now late in the game. Imagine if you will, some numbers of kayaks and canoes, let's say 25-50, transversing the Lud. channel in the middle of summer. Meanwhile, at the same time, the Badger and about 100 fishing boats also share that channel. Can anyone fathom the lack of safety issues in that mindset? Maybe a Water Trail project, upstream in PM River would be okay, but NOT down at the pierhead where traffic in and out is heavy and dangerous as it is. Another great idea that CM Shay has, with absolutely no experience on the lake or water around Lud..

Looking forward to the next meeting, will be better prepared! Although I would rather watch them roll their eyes for 5 mins I will take 2 now just to get things on the record!

As per the usual in Lud. jfc, the city council didn't make much ado about your comments. More like fell on deaf ears imho. You say anything contrary to the accepted norm of agreeing with them, it's a moot issue. I'd like to see you inform them with your own power point presentation, with drawings, facts, pictures, and reports from the DNR 400 page report. But thanks for trying, and don't stop trying, it's got to be known and should be publicized, so many more know what happened in our PM Bayou. As it stands now, it's pretty much a covered up secret, not for public eyes, and publicity in the Daily News.

It's an abomination, really.  Commenting at the meeting is pointless I think.  Opposing comments get ignored while they load the council with "questions" that contradict opposing comments.  Then their "answers" can get "sold" in LDN. They look to me as salesmen backing a project that actually lacks a real and needed benefit. 

Must find other channels, that they can't ignore.  I'm not educated in the function, whether it be petitions or what??, but there must be a way.  


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