Unlawfully Detained Ludington Woman Fights for Freedom, Loses

As reported in the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews). a Ludington woman was stopped by a Ludington Police Department officer at 2:19 AM on early Saturday morning.  As seen in the following headline, the woman not only assaulted an officer, but kicked out the window of a sheriff's car:

This and the next snippet can be found here.  Reading the body of the report one actually finds that the woman apparently did not kick the back window out of the sheriff's car, only attempted to.  But this Torch article is not based solely on this misreport by the COLDNews, unless they further misrepresented other facts.  Please read carefully the synopsis below, and see whether you can spot a red flag:

Did you spot the area of concern, which any reasonable reporter would question, but the material is copied and pasted from the sheriff's weekend activity report, so it doesn't get a second glance from the COLDNews. 

The woman was pulled over for a traffic stop at 2:19 AM by LPD, probably because they suspected her of DWI.  That was never determined, however, there is no traffic infraction noted, just the two offenses of resisting/opposing and attempted MDOP (malicious destruction of property).  Somehow, she winds up in the back of a MCSO deputy's car before she tries to kick out the back window and before she assaulted an LPD officer and 'resisted' a county deputy. 

So what we have is a 44 year old Ludington woman guiltless of any reported crime other than belligerence (which isn't a crime, just so you know) after she was detained in the back of a MCSO car. 

Why was she in the back of the patrol car in the first place?  Why was the MCSO vehicle there, since there appeared to be no problem, not even a civil infraction, until she was illegally detained and put in the back of that patrol car?  Why is our sheriff's office putting people in the back of their patrol car, presumably against their will (hence the window kicks), when they have done nothing wrong?  Might you react the same way the woman did if you were getting the same treatment?

As reported, the Ludington lady was assaulted herself, unlawfully detained, unlawfully arrested, and unlawfully imprisoned.  And let's not forget, the reporter is the sheriff himself, who writes the headlines that they would like you to see and believe, as in the Facebook header:

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John, was Sammy effectively out of favor by the MSP for the previous domestic?  Do you have any sources for your assertions-- did you hear the radio traffic?

I cannot say at this time.

Well, the first thing of note for me was the fact of the report said she was "riding in the car stopped", not driving. Then we got more facts. She only attempted to kick out the window, and didn't actually accomplish the act. The important fact to note was that her brother, a 41 year old "State Police officer" named Seymour, was the driver, arrested for DUI, with an open container to boot. He was driving without any headlights on, which required a traffic stop, else he might have not been stopped to begin with. Of serious note to me is that Sheriff Cole originally didn't mention the arrest of the State Police Trooper at all until the COLDNews did sometime later. I'm thinking she felt her brother, being in his position of legal authority, was above the law and could easily get away with driving DUI. She probably argued with the LPD/MCSO to that end, but it only got her in trouble too. And worse trouble from the looks of the charges and bond set. I'm wondering if the missing information wasn't intentional somehow, to save face for a fellow officer, and/or to possibly drop his charges. Based on the info. so far, I can't feel sorry for either of them, at least not yet.

An interesting item of note.  Sammy Seymour has been instructing our future police officers out at West Shore Community College (WSCC).  Heaven help us all.  There must be something extra in the water out on North Stiles Road, where we've seen their president (Charles Dillon), other administrators (Julie Van Dyke) and now faculty (Sammy Seymour) go a little nuts.  I wonder how much money the Board of Trustees at WSCC will give Sammy Sipmour to go away?

I wonder what excuse the police used for not tasering Seymour's sister. After all they lit up Mr.McAdams like Clark Griwold. They put enough voltage thru him to light up the entire City of Ludington.  I guess it all boils down to who you know or who you are.


The link above has nothing to do with this topic but it's darned funny.

Willy, that same point of not using a taser occurred to me too yesterday, and it's a valid point indeed. The LPD has been known on more than several occasions to use their taser for a lot less aggressive combatant/suspect, over and over again. The other valid point still unanswered is what Streeter brought up earlier, that of Seymour still retaining the privilege to carry a gun, or own one, or possess one at this date. From what Sammy Seymour has done in the recent past, I would assume his gun has been rescinded by the MSP, and the next step will probably be his firing. At least that's what would seem to be protocol at this point in time in his position. I'm not exactly sure if they will do this, but in the private sector, if you were a security guard, or anyone employed and entrusted to carry a gun, I'm quite positive this would be an automatic action with any employer.

The most recent updates on this story is that Seymour, who operates out of the Cadillac MSP post, is currently only doing administrative tasks.  Often, officers take a paid vacation when something like this goes down.  Sammy will more than likely just get reassigned to another post further away and continue field work as if nothing major happened-- the state police are pretty much unaccountable. If you're interested in a house on South Beaune Road in PM Township, you may be able to get a good deal on one when he moves out. 

Here's an attachment on the Cadillac MSP post's comment on Sammy Seymour. Looks like he's now on administrative duty, at least for the time being. He's a 15 year veteran of the MSP, so his actions of recent sure do not reflect that of a seasoned veteran that knows better, by any standards, or excuses. I wonder why he lives in Mason County, and works in Cadillac, when it's quite a drive up and back every time on duty.


Previous transfer of dept, due to something I am not at liberty to say..................


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