McDonald's Bakery will continue to operate starting mid-May as "Cops & Doughnuts" of Clare, Mi.. One of 14 old bakeries they now own. Wonder why after four generations they sold out? Anyone know? Will the family continue to run and bake as usual, or are they all retiring?

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Living just up the street from the bakery, I can verify that the general area is contaminated from past industrial activity.  Any new construction in that area would likely see a lot of extra costs due to that fact, and I seem to remember that the land transactions for our house and the neighbor's house could not go through a conventional mortgage because of those factors.

Many of those houses and businesses in the area of Dowland St. have very old contamination. It's due to the gas company and railroad wastes of 75-100 years ago, not the businesses there now.

Doughnut recipe will change, buns to stay the same, along with Mike Jr. staying on for a bit, so sayeth the LDN today. Heather baby getting the credit for the sale after seven years at bat trying while at DDA State Mtgs. east Detroit, along with Amway stays in GR, on the taxpayers' coins. 

The guy establishing the C&D chain did introduce himself at the meeting tonight, a surprising night where two of the proposed charter amendments were "voted down" because one of the five councilors present voted against them. 

Because of the Home Rule City Act, 2/3 of the councilors had to vote for them, 2/3 of seven is five.  The vote to make the clerk and treasurer appointive positions was blocked, at least for the August election.  I have to agree with Councilor Krauch's previous reasoning, he's the one who voted against it.  He said that this would not have passed and would have made the other amendments fail.  The other amendments may yet fail since they do nothing except give the corrupt management of our city more power.

Hopefully Krauch is coming around and we can celebrate him as an up and coming council member that will make things right for the beautiful area known as the 4th ward! Looking forward to my visit during Memorial day! We would be willing to throw our support with him if this happened!

jfc123 have you tried contacting the EPA?

Don't make the mistake of reading something into Councilor Krauch's vote that isn't there.  When they sent these charter amendment to the governor's office to review, Krauch opined against including the proposal dealing with appointing the clerk and treasurer.  While not debating the prudence of the issue, he thought it would be a divisive one that would lead to the other proposals failing. 

Left unsaid by Krauch, it would also make more people come to the ballot box in August just to vote against it; those voters would likely vote against other proposals and vote for 'outsider' candidates in primary elections.  Having listened to Krauch over the last two years, he is a very deliberative individual who is only interested in advancing the current councils deliberately corrupt agenda. 

I agree. Krauch is the last person who will be looking out for the residents of the 4th ward who, by the way, did not elect him. He has proven to be a worthy compliment to Shay's way of thinking. That's probably why he was chosen by the rest of the clowncilors.

Sadly I must have been in dreamland where the city works FOR its people. This is seen as a huge fail in judgment for me, just like the hope and change theme that Obummer tried to spew! I am SHM at my misjudgment! But still I can only ask why this cannot happen in a beautiful city such as Ludington? Well I found out the hard way supporting a facebook page that did nothing but attack me for the fact I don't live 100% in Ludington? Many there do not. My parents own a business that has been in operation for around 50 plus years started by a man for his sister that went on to build alot of the infrastructure there and donated 1 million to the local hospital. But my fight is worthless because my address is in Macomb, Mi where I built and established MY family?

I asked them why it mattered, no response. Only one stood up for me and I really appreciate his comment yet the other 500 plus closed the door on my behind. As I said there, I will concentrate on my personal issues, so disappointed by this response, no wonder this city government walks all over it!

And no Jasper, but my next moves are the EPA, DNR, state representatives (hoping the list I got from the republican party pals is accurate), and continuing with constituent services! Something has to break and im not even close, just getting started!

BTW, there is a Pure Michigan commercial playing on radio here speaking of the car ferry and watching it enter the harbor, weren't they trying to dry dock it not too long ago? Now they speak of it as a destination? Sure am proud of my Uncle George Towns that with a partner saved it from bankruptcy many years ago and why it is still in business! But I don't matter in concerned locals.......what a group! 

Quite a few hits on this page, now upwards of 400 peeps, wow! As for "concerned locals", it appears they have some misinterpretations or misinformation about some other members, that is unfortunate. Methinks they care about bad odors, only when and if it permeates their zone of living, not the big picture of the entire matter of just existing, and whom and why it happened. I cast no votes against the locals nor outsiders being responsible, and I never saw anyone else saying that there. The ONLY person or entity responsible is the City Mgr. John Shay, he "runs the city", and is responsible for every department and DPW Chief that runs the infrastructure. There can be no doubt nor question in the minds of any and every citizen, that the COL has concentrated it's every moment useful time to ignore their duty to locals, while flying high for the "tourist" related projects for many years.

As someone that is trying to get things right there, due to my address I am a "tourist". Part of the reason that there is so many retail operations that employ them, the tourist. Why hate them, me? If people did not visit that city as a tourist we would have never had a business! Bottom line if you are "concerned" then you would want to be involved I would think? Why do so many not care and voter turn out so low? They really got mad when I asked if they knew who their councilor/mayor was and they did not know!

jfc123, I'm not on facebook but I am curious as to why the people were negative towards you. You have always been courteous on this forum and have shown nothing but concern for Ludington's welfare. Were they supporters of Ludington's Government actions and didn't like that you were questioning how the City handled the bayou fiasco?


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