At the top of the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) opinion page, they featured an essay written by a local about bigotry, an essay that won a contest held by the Mason County Democratic Party. Take the time to read it in total (you may make it bigger and easier to read by clicking on it:
The purpose of her article is obviously to help explain to us what "bigotry" is and what a major problem it is in America's past and in its future, unfortunately for Ms. Cecilia Ruiz (the COLDNews misspells her first name):
When the main theme of your 'scholarly' essay is on one particular topic, you might want to do a little research on what its definition is, she throws about the term "bigotry" often and attaches a lot of significance to the word, particularly when talking about the presumptive Republican nominee for the office of President of these United States of America. If you type "bigotry" on Google, this will appear at the top of your screen:
Before we look at this term, however, a brief look at her history lesson should be addressed. The term "melting pot" had been thrown around for some time in the 1800s, but was clarified in a play with the same name in 1908:
"Understand that America is God's Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and re-forming! Here you stand, good folk, think I, when I see them at Ellis Island, here you stand in your fifty groups, your fifty languages, and histories, and your fifty blood hatreds and rivalries. But you won't be long like that, brothers, for these are the fires of God you've come to – these are fires of God. A fig for your feuds and vendettas! Germans and Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews and Russians—into the Crucible with you all! God is making the American."
Frankly, the existing racism and bigotry was an impediment for the melting pot model to work for non-European immigrants, but those hindrances have largely been muted over the years; nowadays, the new pluralistic models are proving inefficient and troublesome even without those two factors thrown in.
The one historical example Ms. Ruiz includes to prove her point, Japanese internment camps, should not have endeared her to the Mason County Democrats. After all, the internment was solely authorized by Democrat icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt with Executive order 9066, eventually redressed somewhat by Republican icon Ronald Reagan in 1988, signing an act which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government and authorized a payment of $20,000 to each individual camp survivor.
Not surprisingly, she also failed to point out that Democrats were the party of slavery since the time of its formation under Andrew Jackson, and that the Republicans were formed and fought for the abolition of slavery during Civil War times, it would not help her win the essay contest in any case, to point out that the party has traditionally been the party of bigots.
But then she shows that it is not only tradition, but commonplace nowadays, when she brings up an example of modern bigotry with Donald Trump. Those who have read my writings over the last year, know I am no big fan of the Donald. I think the way he characterized many of his Republican opponents in the primary was disrespectful and often wrong. I find him much like a chameleon, able to change his positions on a whim, but there is no indication that he is a bigot or even a racist.
Donald Trump has always had a close relationship with African Americans. His involvement in the entertainment business obviously means he worked with a lot of blacks. He was also friends with prominent black political figures such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, not to mention Oprah who has had Donald Trump on her show numerous times over a period of twenty years and even encouraged Trump to run for the presidency. Trump’s main spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, is black, a woman, and she has been there since day one of Trump’s campaign.
Trump has indicated he would build a wall (with Mexican help) and deport illegal aliens, however, we already have walls built and deport illegal aliens and there is a significant number of Democrat voters who support both measures. Obama's administration has seen record numbers of deportations, but nobody in the media points this out to the public:
Instead of pointing this out, the mainstream media chooses to fraudulently 'market' Trump's rhetoric into ways they can better portray as being unempathetic and bigoted:
1) Trump hates illegal immigrants
2) Trump hates all immigrants
3) Trump hates all Mexicans
4) Trump hates all non-whites
5) Trump hates all families
Cecilia Ruiz (left, voting for the first time in the March 2016 election, according to the COLDNews) becomes a willing vessel for this inflammatory rhetoric in her piece, beginning at the top of the fourth column.
She says Trump has "violent, ignorant, hatred". She then calls him a "hateful, racist, and sexist man" who has marginalized and persecuted people for things that are out of their control. She adds that Trump has no filter, has hateful ideas, and insults entire groups.
She illustrates none of these claims against Trump in her essay, apparently believing that her audience, the unbigoted geniuses of the Mason County Democrat party accept these generalizations as factual and unworthy of debate. But look at the "bigotry" definition again, and rationalize to yourself who is doing the name-calling, the marginalization, the persecution, and the exhibition of a high degree of intolerance. You may come to the same conclusion as I did.
As for her solution, education can make a difference. But when you believe that everyone who doesn't believe the same things you do are either fearful or hateful, you prove that you have not been properly educated, only indoctrinated to a philosophy that won't tolerate a difference of opinions. Cecilia, you have pointed out what it is to be a bigot, and your own words betray you as fitting the description.
As little kids get thrown out of school for wearing a Trump hat, women get pelted with eggs for wearing a Trump shirt, and countless rallies for Trump get disrupted by all those intolerant left-wing bigots, lets hope that Ms. Cecilia Ruiz can throw off her chains of progressivism one of these days in the future and come to the understanding that the other side matters, even if their opinions are so different than her skewed views of this day. Maybe then she can toss away her make-up for this last Halloween, where she went dressed as a zombie; which appears a very appropriate choice considering her essay following a party line dedicated to bigotry.
A long long time ago, the COLDs used to have an editor who, when he would receive an opinion letter with obvious grammatical errors but an interesting pov would return the missive back to the author to be rewritten and resubmitted so as to prevent embarrassment to both the paper and the writer itself.
Welcome to the Perky Pasty Klevorn era.
We will be generous and make an allowance for Ms Klevorn and hope against all hope that she will grow into the job. If only Begnoche would have left a dictionary or two laying around, maybe some one at the Daily snooze could have shown PP how to use it.
Hey Patsy it is not a novel about being under a bridge with Dick and Harry all right.
Oh well Patsy probably has more important tasks such as composing the COLDs endorsement for Hillary, Maybe she even dreams of getting an exclusive interview with candidate Clinton. The former digs of Vince Foster over at Epworth would be an appropriate setting. Make Hillary feel like she is back home again.
(the answer to the chain link query is to see what is on the other side of the fence, of course)
This essay wasn't graded by an anal-retentive English teacher on grammar and style, but by Democrats looking at content and complicity to party values. Patsy, whose beliefs seem to be even more left-wing than the previous editor, has the exact same focus. The work as a whole points out the vapidity and intolerance of modern liberalism/progressivism.
Excellent rebuttal X. You should send it to the LDN to counter Ruiz's lack of knowledge regarding the subject she wrote about and was rewarded for. Not only has Ruiz demonstrated just how truly ignorant she is, this also shows that the local Mason County Democrats and the LDN are also operating under a veil of ignorance, biased and prejudice. I can't imagine being this clueless and winning a contest for it and then being praised and publish for that tirade of ignorance by two local and influential organizations. She may have to be forgiven though due to her young age and lack of experience and knowledge of just how the World works and who is truly responsible for life's miseries. If this is the best that Democrats can come up with explaining what bigotry is and it's causes then the leftists education that today's youth are receiving is working as planned to promote mindless youths and is manifesting itself in the ignorance displayed by Ruiz.
Back in 2011, I sent a rebuttal to the COLDNews editor concerning campaign issues that they either ignored or misreported on. They printed one highly edited so that it didn't make any sense, and they didn't bother printing the other. So they continued with the ignoring and misreporting of the campaign issues. As typical liberal beacons seem to always do.
I considered and commiserated that her youth and inexperience has probably had the educational system, Hollywood values, and the media shape her world views and blind her to the inherent bigotry within it. With Ms. Ruiz, it is an easy exercise to show her own intolerance by reviewing her own words, for others spouting such liberal dogma it can be more difficult, but there is a quick way to do so. Just don't agree with them, and see how tolerant they are of you.
One of the lefts biggest mistakes is doing a poor job of research. Instead, they would rather read one quote or one headline off MSNBC or CNN and base an opinion on that. To tell people education is the key, is a total hypocritical statement. Calling Trump a racist, sexist or violent, but they turn around a support candidates who support a group such as Black lives matter who base encourage violence and supporters who act out in violence at Trump rallies.
Then you get the god awful media we are now apart of who want to point fingers at Trump for violence being done by liberals. If she wants to do a story, do one on how liberals can't handle people disagreeing with them or lefts not holding accountability for their actions.
San Jose has a mayor who could also educate himself. His people act in violence, but blames Trump for their actions. If Trump supporters acted in violence at every Bernie or Hilary rally, the lefts would be in an uproar. Instead of taking the easy way out and blaming others, look in the mirror lefts. Educate yourselves by actually reading the actual statement he said about mexicans. By saying we have illegal immigrants from mexico who are murdering and raping Americans isn't saying every mexican is a rapist or murder. Blinded by the media's twisting of words makes the lefts go crazy. Claiming to be a journalist and writing something like this is a disgrace to the title of a journalist. A journalist should gather, access, prepare and then present. Journalism isn't all about ones opinion but should be actually based on factual information. Blogs online are for opinions and discussions. I understand her article was in the LDN section "opinion" which is just a joke to have a section in an actual paper, but have some actual facts. The lefts hate facts because 90% of the time facts prove their opinions wrong. Instead they all get together and put their opinions all in one group and go with it.
By stating education is the most important, she is correct. The problem though with our education is that they are and almost have to be so liberal with every damn thing they preach and teach our kids now. For instance, flying a confederate flag is bad, but if that student was flying an ISIS flag, a gay pride flag, or black lives matter sign and a Caucasian complained, the Caucasian would be labeled with the wrongly used bigot word or racists.
I am sure soon history classes will stop teaching the United States Constitution and will start teaching other countries cultures. If we all moved to Egypt, I would expect to adapt to their culture. I wouldn't throw a fit because they didn't speak english or didn't certain items based on my religion or beliefs. I sure in hell wouldn't go their and burn their flag like a spoiled uneducated @$$hole.
Real talk, well said! Im not sure how to respond to that but say I 100% agree! This has been my feeling since I started trying to get things corrected at our business. Then I learned of many more issues through speaking to many there. If this was Flint there would be state attention of the stench and not some white girl making the paper for a sadly written bigotry speech. I have worked in the city of Detroit for 14 years in a factory and they would laugh at her article, she has NO clue!
Real Talk,
Sometimes I think you're like that guy in the Batman Mythos Harvey Dent (aka Two-Face) who flips a coin when he makes a decision. Yet, I think your opinions are more or less consistent with a common sense philosophy than I would normally give you credit for. Sometimes your credibility is at issue when you often work into your conversations easily refuted myths or misperceptions about myself (and others) that you have accepted as fact, I find this revelation you have shared as refreshing.
Well said Real Talk, however it's difficult to understand how you see the World. On one hand you appear to be uncompromisingly negative towards X by not seeming to understand what is being presented here as proof of malfeasance and corruption in the halls of Ludington's Government. Then you turn around and very persuasively describe one of America's greatest threats, the progressive liberal political theology that is spawned by the Communist, Marxist doctrines which are threatening to create a World Government thru the indoctrination of young minds. If we do not reverse this liberal trend in education we will soon see an America that no longer stands for freedom and liberty.
Instead of a lot of interaction and education on Bigotry, why don't we have a President who is not a bigot? Racial tensions and hatred has been in steadily increasing commodities since Obama was elected, worst I've witnessed since the 60's. He alone is the cause of most problems with racism we have in the USA today. Add a mixture of the race baiters that occupy the press and attend White House social gatherings in, and you have a perfect cocktail for explosive results.
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