As many here know, I feel as a concerned local but my address does not allow that. My fight is for the 4th ward, to make it a beautiful area as it has been for years but is now neglected by this current administration!

Being in the water st/ Madison area there was no smell, great for us? But I wanted to visit Walters fisheries for some delicious smoked salmon but the stench driving down 6th street made my wife and kids gag! I ran there to look to see the selection and it was sparse, probably due to the damn stench!

Prior we went to cops and donuts and spent a fortune on donuts and then to Wesco for drinks and drove thru the beautiful city marinas! Overall was a great visit but the stench was so bad, and it was away from the beach and downtown my worry is if you all do not attend the council meetings starting on June 13 then you will have to live with it or move!

Just my experience with city government! Hope your experience is happier than mine!

Pure Ludington, my dream, even though I felt very sour this past trip! You live in a beautiful city!

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So? What can we do to make sure things are made right here! All responses appreciated! I know that June 13 there is a city council meeting, what else?

I will be publishing some details about what the city is considering doing at the WWTP that I have gleaned from a recent FOIA request.  It's too bad that city management is too secretive about details that it takes such inquiries to get some basic facts about what is under consideration, relying on sketchy press releases to appease the masses.

Once I figure out how to translate some of the files into a readable format, I will share them and supply research links.

All these years of "secret information about everything the COL does", is going to be the undoing of Shyster Shay in the end. Many people that aren't the wiser are starting to get the idea, and don't like it either. Talks about a petition for Shay's resignation/firing is already in the works with residents, as well it should have been long ago.

This happens please share, we will support and I will share all over social media to get his lame ass out! 4th ward deserves better, can we add Krauch also?

It's no use blaming Shay. The fault lay with the Council. Shay is doing what they want him to do and if he is performing deeds not sanctioned by the Council then, again, it's the Council's lack of oversight that deserves the blame. Any petition complaints should be addressed towards the people who are truly responsible for Ludington's problems and that would be Ludington's City Council members. It's no use blaming the hammer when the carpenter misses the nail and puts a hole in the wall. Incompetent, secretive, vindictive employees who are allowed to continue to abuse their positions are the product of incompetent, secretive, vindictive bosses.

Here's an analogy for the blame game for a city with a city manager.  Consider the council being a man, the city manager a high-powered automatic rifle, and the city charter/code being gun control laws.  One day the man takes the rifle and negatively affects the lives and livelihoods of a whole bunch of people in a shootout at a gathering of landlords or private marina owners let's say.   

Some people will blame the shooter, some people will blame the rifle, and some people will blame the gun control laws for not being strict enough.  Some may even blame the US Constitution for allowing people the right to bear arms.

But the smart people know that the rifle didn't load itself, it didn't point itself at people and it didn't fire at them.  Those were all under control of the shooter, the shooter who ignored gun control laws, and failed in their responsibility to others in his right to wield a weapon.  This is your Ludington City Council in 2016.

It is more like a bad marriage where the wife is past her prime but has managed to amass a considerable dowry both through inheritance and thrift.  She decides to marry a younger man whom although handsome is neither intelligent nor frugal.

She hopes she can change him.

Instead true to his nature he spends her funds on useless baubles and bad investments. He is easily lead into making bad deals that only enrich his "friends" at his wife's expense.

But to keep face the wife doesn't admit to making a mistake and instead of kicking his ass to the curb, she tell everyone what a great job he is doing. And how smart his ideas are.

Soon the dowry is gone and the wife has to borrow funds to enable more of his foolish endeavors. 

Finally in debt over their heads he decides to walk away, after all the loans aren't in his name.

That is how the water tower got painted. How ignoring the infrastructure happened. How  the West End Scheme and supplying water to Michigan Power came about.  How PM bayou pollution was ignored. We could go on and on.

The City Council is nothing more than enablers who are in denial of reality. They have made a bad choice when they married John Shay. And they are wasting your time and money trying to prove it was a good choice.

As it is time to move Shay on to his next failure! He needs to go and the state needs to come in, along with X to make things better!  WTF are these jokers thinking????

I like your analogies X and shinblind.

Bravo, I have to admit I have effectively been out-analogized by shinblind, that son of a gun.


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