I made some comments on here about John Shay And Mike Krauch that were threatening. As God as my witness I did not mean them that way but they were seen as such. So I am here to truly apologize to both gentlemen for what I wrote, will never happen again.

A very difficult lesson to learn in a very hard way for me. Please watch your words, the written word does not come with a face gesture or tip of intent like a spoken word does. Again I am sorry.

Carry on Torchers. I am laying down my Torch and walking off into the horizon.

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Thanks for all of your kind words and the encouragement of jfc123 and myself to look at the good side of this.  There is some good side, but Willy is right about the associations they want to portray in order to get me into a bad light.  Informed citizens will likely know better, but the uninformed and misinformed are unfortunately as big of a group.  Still I wouldn't feel so bad had the COLDNews left out John Shay's slander at the end of this 'press conference'.

If you recall, back in 2013 when I had a favorable settlement of $15,000 in the Workplace Safety Policy federal lawsuit against John Shay and the City of Ludington as defendants, Shay libeled me up and down at a city council meeting in order to sour the spoils of victory.  

As part of his psychopathic pattern, he did the same at this meeting after receiving no capitulation from me about changing the policies of my website, and receiving an unfavorable result from the City of Ludington's contracted employee, Prosecutor Paul Spaniola.  He said once again that I have been taking pictures of his house and added that I have been watching his kids go to school.   Both are outright lies, and one can only believe he is doing it not only out of the frustration that his power has some limits, but also because he wishes to tarnish my political brand. 

Wouldn't he have filed a police report on such creepy behavior, given that he did so for this minor bit, if there was any truth to it?  Unfortunately, it's impossible to prove the negative, the regular press still grants him credibility, so I am effectively powerless to stop such defamation.

This is unbelievable. First of all why were you interrogated by Detective Sailor? Why not interrogate NING? The questions asked by Sailor were beyond the pale of total ridiculous. Because you provide a forum for discussion, how can you XLFD be held accountable for what other's post. It is more than obvious the city of ludington is out to discredit you.

Sailor called me on the pretense of asking me questions about the Ludington Torch; I already knew that Aquaman had been contacted by them and talked about the incident on the phone.  I could have declined or did the same, but I voluntarily decided to come in since they weren't telling me (or Aquaman) much about the particulars, and figured I would learn a little more by the questions I was asked-- and it would help write the story later when this creepy investigation was concluded. 

On the day before they released the material I and the two others received a phone call from Sailor inviting us to some conference to pick up a packet and sign release forms, wouldn't say anything more.  There was no indication to either of us that MCP, WMOM, and the COLDNews would be there and the four officials present would be making it into some sort of public spectacle-- just to announce that not even Prosecutor Paul Spaniola, a contracted official of the City of Ludington  would touch this one.  I would dare say at risk of sounding redundant, that the witch hunt aspect is obvious when one reads the full account, and all that was said at the press conference.   

Bring an attorney to any questioning every time. It's your right. They don't wanna go there. When they enact to deploy frivolous slander and engage that to media without the substantial facts and evidence I would act immediately in a legal civil matter. Use of excessive powers to destroy ones reputation over another person unsubstantiated statements is defamation of character and quite frankly, slander.

I would say that is great advice if you are being accused of having some part in a crime, but Sailor and I had it made clear on the phone that I was not under investigation, my participation was voluntary and I could end the conversation at any time. 

You sometimes have to go to the cliff's edge just to look over at what lies beyond it.

Yes, but, a councilor could read his baseless facts first, then direct you to your response or answer. Sign Nothing! EVER! Sailor is not to be trusted, he is running this game as the quarterback for a losing team.

I would be in agreement with Streeter about bringing legal action against Shay for his slanderous/libelous remarks but knowing how conniving and sneaky Shay is, I wouldn't doubt that he is  trying to bait you into doing just that. The reason I say that is he has probably paid off some ringers to lie in court and say they observed you doing what he is accusing you off doing. Shay is just like all the other bottom of the barrel politicians, he will do anything to get what he wants no matter who it hurts. Just think, all of this could have been avoided if Shay had been an open, honest and fair person instead of secretive and conniving. This is how he handles dissent and opposition to his misguided policies and  deceptive methods of doing business.

If anyone had any doubts about how corrupt City Hall is, this twisted scene involving the police, politicians and news media should help to convince them that those in charge of the City cannot be trusted.

From the title of the COLDNews' article you can already determine they are trying to link my name to the threats Ludington police delve into ‘threats’ to city officials, talk to To...  Read the article and tell me what seems more threatening, the ambiguous words of two Torchers, or the direct and libelous words of the three officials. 

Who has been defending the First Amendment throughout this inquisition?  Not the 'journalists' Patti Klevorn of the COLDNews, not Rob Alway of the MCP, and not even the news team of WMOM.  Nobody but moi and my small army of Ludington Torchers who demand more from their government and media.

You are the one who has challenged to unwrap the tinfoil from their heads and expose them for who they are, their corruption,and their way of changing the laws and rules to only benefit themselves and, to ruin their plastic egos. That's fair game in the eyes of the Public domain. You, being a citizen in your community who has that right to challenge is NOT fair game to them. That is attacking willfully,purposefully, and intentionally to silence your rights.

So true. Let the officials show their true colors because it only further validates the facts brought to their attention at every meeting about their corruption. This is the pot calling the kettle black. Isn't Sailor the one who actually threatens and assaults the people of Ludington? He needs to look in the mirror. His own deplorable actions should be reason enough to void his assumptions,accusations,and intimidation tactics.

Aaron Sailor is the Errant Assailer whose actions went to federal court on police brutality charges not once, not twice, not three times, but four times (travis malone was #4). 

Bullies like this disgust me, but they don't scare me, since they're cowards at heart, preying on the weak and incapacitated.  Look at his victims in each case.  That Chief Barnett would allow such a sadist as a lead detective speaks of his incapacity for his job.


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