Have you ever noticed some small governments like to think beyond their borders, and their jurisdiction?  A prime example of this was the Ludington City Council back in 2015 taking upon themselves a resolution asking the US Congress to 'change the civil rights attorney's fees awards act of 1976'.  Their harem of 60 attorneys took the time, and the taxpayer's money to draft a meaningless act of frustration after settling another lawsuit involving police brutality of the LPD.  

As noted, the councilors voted unanimously for the measure and sent the tantrum to Washington DC, where it has been dutifully ignored the three years since.  Not surprisingly, at the meeting and ever since, no citizen has came forth and said we really need legislation to make it harder for other citizens to seek redress from government agents.  

Not surprisingly, the city council was back with just a slightly less ambitious resolution last year to state and federal officials to shut down Line 5 of Enbridge Energy.  It should be noted that even in a worse case scenario, a rupture of Line 5 over 200 miles away in the Straits of Mackinac would not affect Ludington directly.  Ludington's resolution, which received a bit of blowback from citizens and a councilor for being politically motivated, still passed easily, and has had zero effect other than making Ludington's attorneys from Grand Rapids richer, and make even more of the mostly-conservative-minded citizens distrust their leaders.

The county government is now resolving to think big, entering what is likely to be a statewide issue for the voters later this year of making marijuana legal.  The Mason County Press reports:  "The Mason County Board of Commissioners is expected to take a vote on a resolution to oppose the legalization of marijuana during its monthly meeting in February. The commission’s Courts and Public Safety Committee voted 2-1 on January 23rd to place the resolution on the board’s Feb. 13 meeting."

It further states:  Commissioner Gary Castonia was opposed to the resolution while committee Chairman Steve Hull and Commissioner Lew Squires voted in favor.  “I still think they should legalize it and tax the hell out of it,” Castonia said. “You can get more tax money that way.”
Squires said he saw it differently. “I don’t think things should always be done for the generation of money but should be done for the overall welfare of the citizens,” he said.
The resolution came to the county from the West Michigan Community Mental Health Board of Directors with the note that states: “This resolution does not relate to the use of marijuana approved for medical purposes in compliance with current state law.”

Former policeman Castonia's position on marijuana seems to evolve over time, perhaps because his kids and grandkids have had their issues with it.  However, I don't find Commissioner Lew Squires position on the issue as too surprising considering his livelihood.  

Squires has been a chiropractor for many years, using his craft to make your vertebral subluxations better.   Guess what else is purported to be excellent in curing chronic back pain and other issues he is involved with healing?  The 'treatment of choice', marijuana.  Not surprising he wants marijuana to be less available.  

Truth to tell, I support the West Michigan Community Mental Health Board of Directors position, I think greater accessibility of (non-medical) marijuana will turn more 'Freds' into 'Shaggies' than is prudent for our society.  But I do not think the Mason County Board should be weighing in on the issue, particularly after we notice the conflicted backgrounds and perspectives of two of the three committee members. 

That issue will fall completely outside of the county government purview, becoming a likely issue for each individual voter in Michigan and then the state.

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I agree X. If marijuana becomes legal it will be far to accessible to children who live in households of users. It will be easily accessible to friends of those children who live in households where marijuana is being used.

Come on Willy, over 50 years ago when we were kids , the people who didn't have access to marijuana was our parents.LOL

One of the unintended consequences of legalizing marijuana was the increase in opiate crimes and deaths.

I find it amusing that "Choom Castonia" wants to legalize and "tax the hell out of it." 

Shay gave warning that pensions and benefits will the largest budget issue in Ludington's future.

Perhaps the only honest statement Shay has ever uttered.

Shay's greatest failure was presiding over a decreasing population with an inadequate income.

Factor that into Ludington's future budgets.

On Tuesday, the county brought this meaningless resolution in opposition to legalization of non-medicinal marijuana before the full board and it passed 6-1, with only Carry Grasstonia Gary Castonia voting in opposition.  Leading the prohibition forces was Scottville chiropractor Lew Squires citing the usual reasonable factors and not his own professional fears of lost business to those who may use marijuana for their pains, but may not qualify for medical marijuana.  Medical marijuana passed in Mason County in 2008 with 3/5 voting for the measure when marijuana was more taboo.  Such bold resolutions by government officials before an issue has even made the ballots where every voter in the state will make the decision only makes me more likely to vote for legalization just to make them use their legislative time more wisely in the future.  

Damn fools still don't understand that MML was passed by the voters some years ago, and became State Law ever since. NO COUNTY nor CITY gov't. can override that law legally. Mason County is asking to be sued by the State of Michigan now, dummies.


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