Penny Ante

July has been quite an interesting month so far for me.  On July 2nd, I was documenting safety problems in the northeast side of town on my bicycle when I was verbally accosted by Ludington Mayor John Henderson, with his wife, Penny as a passenger, driving by me in their car (as chronicled in the thread The Mayor Rolls out the Welcome Wagon).

Penny, For Your Thoughts 

Two days later, at the Ludington Freedom Festival Parade, as the Mayor's motorcade went down the street in the midst of the parade, the First Lady of Ludington was handing out something (probably SOS Badger related) to the crowd, and as she passed me and my family in our front row seat, she took time off her task to look at me and say, with obvious disgust, "Oooh (or was it Ewww?), take another picture.", while she continued on, obviously vexed.  (also noted in the above thread, page 2).

A Bad Penny Always Turns Up

Today, Saturday, July 9th, I was headed down south for my morning bicycle ride.  Due to circumstances the friend I was going to ride with was not able to make it, so I headed out later than I wanted, around 11 AM.  I was traveling east on Sixth Street, about two city blocks away from where it meets up with the PM Highway, not too far from Johnson's Supreme Auto. 

The street at that point has three lanes, including a turn lane.  I am riding within a foot of the road edge on my bicycle when all of a sudden, a vehicle pulls up from behind, within a couple of feet from me, momentarily matches my speed, and lays on their horn. 

Kind of surprising, fortunately I was able to maintain control at the sound of this unexpected menace to my safety.  When sharing the road with Cyclists and pedestrians, cars are advised to not use their horn, as this AAA website Sharing the Road declares:  "Avoid using your car horn near bicyclists - it could startle them and cause them to swerve into traffic or off the roadway and crash." 

Both were present here, since I was both close to the road edge and this encroaching motorist.  Michigan state law MI Law: 257.706 Horn Usage   Section 1 says:  "The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his horn but shall not otherwise use the horn when upon a highway (street)." 

The motorist's use was definitely not insuring safe operation, as there was my lane plus the turning lane to pass me (there was no other traffic nearby), and after they did so, they sped up so I could not make out who it was.  I did what I usually do when a motorist violates the law and/or my safety and flipped them the bird.  The driver braked, then thought better of it and continued.

I continued as well, noting that they had thought of stopping I gave them the sideways bird with my left middle finger repeatedly pointing to the road side, effectively inviting them to pull over, so that we could discuss why what they did was not a wise act.  To my surprise, they did.

As I rode to the driver side window, prepared to tell them about driving too close and sounding their horn so close to me, I was calm and had planned to use it as a teaching moment for them, unless they were belligerent to me.  To my surprise, it was Mrs. Mayor, Penny Henderson, and some blond haired young woman in the passenger seat.

Before I could say anything, she started very upset yammering about how her husband and I used to be friends when I was back on the fire department, berated me for going against him, and other things.  I was just aghast.  Finally, I was able to talk, and asked her whether she was stalking me.

Her turn to be flummoxed; she annoyedly told me she was on her way to Pentwater.  I told her I was on my way towards there too, at which point she gave me that "oooh" (or is it "Ewww"?) thing, and expressed her hope of me not being at the same place she was. 

Seconded, I thought, and quite likely, since I was only going as far as The Wishing Well.  She then continued on her way.  I then went off the street and I called my attorney and other allies about this strange chance occurence.  And how it was intimidating and threatening to me.

Sixth Street Madness 

And even though her original act of crowding me and honking her horn was a hostile, unsafe act and was willfully directed against me, I did not call the police.   For it was further west on Sixth Street where I was passed illegally and unsafely by an Ludington Police Department Tahoe in non-emergency mode going 15 mph over the speed limit, in a no-passing zone, in a school safety zone during normal school hours, with plenty of cars parked on both sides of the street, about three years ago.

When discussed, Chief Barnett said his driver was an excellent driver, and that I was at fault for having my bicycle in the street at that point, although I was riding it lawfully.  He half-wanted to give me a ticket for obstructing traffic, even though my speedometer had me riding over 20 mph.  The driver was never identified, but Chief Barnett was not at the LPD station when I called in to complain. 

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A good name for penny would be "copperhead". I think your getting under their skin so I would watch out for any dirty tricks they might dream up. What causes politicians to think their sh-t doesn't stink and that they can do as they please. From Ludingtons Mayor, Manager and Councilors to the County Commissioners, we are blessed with a plethora of corrupt air heads as representatives. I hope someone starts a recall for the County Commissioners whose obvious vote to override County zoning laws shows a complete lack of empathy for the citizens who elected them.

Like they haven't yet started the dirty tricks?  LOL. 

Just remember to keep up the good fight if these guys do resort to worse actions.  I remembered thanking my lucky starts that Mrs. Henderson had one of her daughters (I think) today, so that in her excited state she wouldn't do anything more drastic than she did. 

Next step. Tickets for silent profanity

LOL better watch the gestures cuz that could be a ticket and a big deal made by them. No more of that sir. And since by your own admission you did do can figure out the rest. You never know who is going to be in the car your birding.


and where did the officer pass you a few years ago, you said further west on 6th but in a school zone, I am confused as there is no school out there?? and no where that people park on both sides of the street? I thought that was over on filer or somewhere?

Lol easy, you always have a sense of humor to come back with.........rofl. As for X, well, he's got some awkward work cut out for him this summer, or else his attorney is way behind on this matter. This is the only time I've heard such stories about a local Mayor in office, and strutting to do more of this type behavior? Gotta luv that dude....... Ahhhhh.....good golly miss molly................

Isn't Pere Marquette Elementary located near there? I think it's on Madison st. just north of 6th.

Oh yeah, I was thinking east like by metalworks. I got it now, yep pm school.

According to the MI Motor Vehicle Code, a School Zone is defined as any area within 1000 ft. of a school, much like a School Safety Zone is defined for sex offenders.  This is typically a little over three city blocks, and the RSO Map I've displayed before shows that a fair portion of the residential area of Sixth Street is within that zone. 

I was passed around Taylor St, and there was a lot of cars parked along Sixth at that time.  Either some event was happening around there that day, or this was where many of the newly-striking Metalworkers employees parked.  Either way, I had to ride around them, and I have always said the officer was completely across the median and not a danger to me. 

But at 40 mph passing less than 2 feet away from parked cars on that side, and through the next intersection that way-- could have easily killed a schoolkid or a striker on lunchbreak.  It was totally unnecessary as we were just a little over a block from a no parking on the street area, and my speed was 'suitable', at around 21 mph.

As for the finger-- if I determine that someone has endangered my life while I am riding my bicycle, that's the least I can do, and the most universally recognized symbol of disapproval in the USA .  I am not protected by airbags, seat belts, or thousands of pounds of metal and plastic; nor, can I step on an accelerator, take a license plate, honk a horn, or call the police and tell them I just had a near miss caused by a menacing driver. 

Buzz me, pass me around a blind corner or at a hillcrest, pull in front of me when I have the right of way, and you will likely see my middle digit thrust in your general direction-- and I don't care who you are.




I think you deserve a very public apology from Mrs. Henderson.  If you had pulled up alongside one of her daughters riding her bicycle on that street with mere inches separating you, hovered and honked, and then drove off, you would have been in police custody.  Consider that Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. 


It would have been even worse if XLFD had stopped to go into a bizarre tirade about how he and Mayor dad used to be friends back on the LFD, and how he was perturbed that the mayors daughters got cushy city jobs at the city marina and the DDA, which the Mayor lords over.  Hendersons, quit harassing this man who just reports about your corrupt family and the extended family known as the City of Ludington.  Or maybe explain why what XLFD has reported is not corrupt.  Can't do it, can ya?

I'm not often able to tie-in some of the older articles with new ones, but this just crossed the wires:  Penny Henderson was arrested following a traffic stop at the intersection of Nelson and Johnson Roads very early yesterday, and faces a felony of resisting and opposing arrest for allegedly trying to strike a deputy.  Orange is the new black.

Revived again.  This Mear's man gets 120 days and a felony for kicking at the police car barrier.  He was not nearly as connected as Penny Henderson, who got off scott free for worse infraction?

  She should not worry, just like the illegal immigrant , charges just went away. 


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