I'm assuming it was because of the rain that the attendance for gidlock 2 was so small. It rained almost continually but not very hard, just enough to make things uncomfortable. The gathering was still, as usual, upbeat, cheerful and very inspirational. There were maybe a couple hundred cars circulating around the Capital and possibly as many as1500 people on the Capital grounds. We stayed for most of it with umbrella's in tow. I've got to say that the people gathered there today truly care about what happens to Michigan and America. Not like the Leftists and Progressive rally's who want to destroy America for unreasonable and imaginary reasons. I took many pictures but am posting the ones that seem to convey the frustration felt by those that care about the direction the left is taking us. Some I will post here and a few more in the comment section. And guess what? No Confederate or Nazi flags. Just good old red, white and blue.






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Thanks Aquaman. It is sad when we have to get our information by actually being where things are happening instead of relying on the nauseating, lying media.

It was not a huge crowd but if not for the day long rain there would have been more people, plus the fact that the rally was not highly publicized. I would guess there were as many as 1500 people. I tried to get on the Capital steps to take a photo but it was roped off so I found a picture on the internet. There were high ranking State officials talking to the crowd does anyone believe they would have been there if there was any danger.  Endless Leftist propaganda.

The one lady sitting on the bench sums it up real nice with her sign:  "FED UP"

One could easily read another interpretation from that sign, what the governor's governance has been:  "F'-ed UP"

Good one X.

Let's talk about police security and how the media made the situation sound as if the Capital was stormed by the militia and conservatives,

Below is a photo taken at the intersection of Capital Av. and Michigan Ave. I counted as many as 17 officers just at this spot alone. One can only imagine how many officers were in the crowd and outside the Capital at all of the entrances plus inside the Capital on all levels of the building. So much for the military invasion of the State Capital.

Any news on the day after this dustup that had a power play between the legislatures and guv?  Heard the president sent the governor a tweet:  “The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire. These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.”


Protesting in the Michigan capitol is becoming so frequent that someone set out a row of blue porta-potties? Amazing photos, Willy.

Thanks FS. I think the sponsors of the rally were required to provide the porta potties since this rally was to be held  on the Capital grounds and they did not want human waste to be contaminated by Whitlers' bullsh_t

Thanks Willy for info on who set up the porta John's.  I couldnt comprehend Whitmer doing so.  They seem to be in some hot water down there dragging the press reporters out of the chambers, who wanted to watch a vote on Open Meeting Act.  

Good one shinblind.


Another protest 05-14-20

Difficult to get the word out since Facebook shut them down. 

But FREE TACOS so there is that. 

Some legal experts yesterday said that the Gov's. extension of the lockdown is totally illegal too. She cannot automatically extend it alone on her own authority. Per Michigan Law, she needs the Michigan Legislature to vote on the measure in person and that alone would only give her the right to get it passed. Per Mich. Law, the extension for another 30 days is illegal, and has to be dissolved asap. That said, it either will be, or another major lawsuit will have to be filed, and then some judge will have to act on it. Very sad this is what is going on now, and that this Gov. has no rightful legal authority to continue into the future for our State.


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