With the construction trade and yard maintenance back at work and the auto industry returning back to work the turn out for the 5-14-20 Capital rally was sparsely attended. Also the fact that it was raining cats and dogs added to the lack of a large crowd. Those in attendance were still very energized. Of course, Whitler was the focus of everyone's displeasure and just the mention of her name over the loud speaker roused the crowd. There may have been only 300 people more or less but more may have shown up later because we left when the sky opened up and  doused us with a gully washer. Nothing new to report and nothing to add except a few photos. No nazi flags, no confederate flags, no militia invasion of the Capital.

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Great pictures, Willy! Thanks for the report. Love the dog asking for a bath in the rain!

Thanks for the pictorial report, Willy.  Could you tune into some of the Lansing local news coverage on what happened today and compare and contrast what they are saying with what you witnessed?

For instance this seems to be a media attempt to make more 'fear porn' in support of the regime; this isn't news, it creates more questions than supplies answers:

(WXYZ) — Michigan State Police responded to an altercation between two people during the protests at the state Capitol on Thursday.
MSP said there were no injuries during the fight. Officers interviewed the parties involved. The victim was identified as a 60-year-old man, police said.
Police say one individual involved was in possession of an ax, which was turned into law enforcement.

Thanks very much again for the update Willy, nice to see you pics. again and report. I also like that dog pic., was quite cool. Don't Tread on Me flags also great.

Thanks all. X, I didn't see a thing about the incident you describe. It had to have been a minor incident because it did not catch my attention. Most people were huddled under umbrellas or hiding behind their hoods. There were tons of press so they were looking for the smallest thing that could qualify as news. Here's a link to a local TV channel regarding a scuffle at the protest. I think this happened after we left because it was raining quite heavely. Of course this will be the only story told about the rally. b


It appears that the women in this video started the ruckus because the old guy had a doll hanging on a flag so she took the flag from him. Odd that people like her are intolerant to other peoples free speech. This is what X referred to about trouble makers at these rallies. He was minding his own business from what I could make out and she felt a need to make him comply with her opinion. There goes a perfectly good rally turned to sh_t because someone didn't like what another was saying or demonstrating.

Some people were worried about an axe while others carried firearms. Stupid

Good job Willy.
Too bad the free tacos got rained out.
The geezer hanging Barbie had her tethered to a fishing rod and reel. Too bad he had the drag set too tight.

Next week's protest includes free haircuts and manicures. Hope the weather is better.



Thanks for posting this shinblind. This haircut business sounds like a great idea. I have to hand it to Michiganders. We started this rebellion with a huge rally the likes of which have not been seen for quite a while, then followed up with respectable sized but effective  rallies, and now this creative idea. Maybe WHitler will show up and finally get her legs and armpits shaved.


Above is a link to another Holland salon owner's sad story to either defy orders and open her business or lose her house.


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