There was a decent turnout for the free haircut rally at the Capital in Lansing. Good spirits were the order of the day until the State Police began to issue citations to the barbers and others practicing their trade even though they did not charge for their services. Only one incident of rowdiness took place and that was due to the implanted trouble makers that plague conservative rallies.
Owosso barber Karl Manke addressed the crowd and was very impressive but humble. He of course is the barber who started it all by refusing to keep his shop closed. He was threatened by the State to have his licensed canceled. There were at least 20 barbers, hair stylists and masseuses all practiced their trades free of charge. The line was very long. As the barber rally was taking place a second rally at the south side of the capital's front lawn was also taking place. Ive been present when a leftist rally was in progress and most of what takes place at those are groups of angry people with profanity littered signs and people spewing profanity and outrage constantly. The difference between conservative and leftists rallies is like night and day. Negative [leftist] vs positive [conservative] messages. Bitter loud mouth lefties are a scourge and there were some of them present at this rally trying to cause trouble by yelling at people on the Capital steps and telling them to leave. Thanks to the police they're poison was quickly rendered inert. One specific thing that took place which got quite an angry reaction from some of the crowd was a sign truck which circled the capital with electric signs stating " this rally is brought to you by Facebook". The gall of the people driving the truck telling people that Facebook was behind the rally was absolutely astonishing since Facebook deleted any posts promoting conservative rallies at the Capital.
Another funny thing that was happening was a gentleman handing out necklaces and pendents which held a picture of the Governor and stated "screw Whitmer" also inside the pendent was a condom for protection from Whitmer's diseases.
All in all it was very well attended and Karl Manke the Owosso barber was in attendence and spoke with confidence to the appreciative crowd. In the pictute below he is the gentleman in the center holding the mic.
The photo below is where the trouble makers were trying to rile up the crowd by yelling and making a scene but it didn't work and the police put a quick end to it.
Below are a few of the barbers plying there trade even after receiving citations by the State Police.
The next 2 photos are of a few of the almost 1000 or so people [I estimated] who attended the rally
Thanks for attending the rally and getting exclusive pictures. The news being reported from other outlets focus on the barbers getting citations, that's what makes the headlines rather than the message that these people were protesting for freedom and the right to work.
Gotta say the guy hawking the Whitmer lockets doesn't have much business acumen-- if you're prepared to actually use a condom, what is a worse mood killer than seeing the governor at her grinchiest right before utilization? Definitely better birth control than just using a condom.
Thanks very much again Willy, very revealing and astonishing reporting sir, love it.
Thanks X and Aquaman. X, as to your mental picture of a pre-coitus Whitmer it does sort of turn one's stomach. It might have been more appropriate to provide 2 paper bags, one for each participant.
After reviewing the photo of the Facebook truck I noticed it had a Georgia license plate. I thought that was strange since the rally was, of course, here in Michigan. So I wondered, why would a truck from Georgia be way up here in Michigan spreading a lie. After checking out Facebook, I discovered that they had an extremely large data center located in Atlanta which is brand new. The Atlanta data center is 1 million sq. ft, So I concluded that Facebook was in the process of collecting information and spreading propaganda. What bothers me is that people are all to willing to help out this anti freedom, Big Brother organization by feeding their personal information thru them which is helping to control people and limit true Democracy throughout the World.
Close up of License plate
Facebook data centers in Georgia
Owosso barber Karl Manke wins another court showdown today concerning an injunction to stop him from cutting hair, Shiawassee County Judge Matthew Stewart said the state health department failed to show that Manke’s shop was a specific threat to public health.
That's great news. Hats off to Judge Matthew Stewart for following the law unlike the idiot Governor and Attorney General.
I just don't see why the state police or any law enforcement would give out citations for doing something for free. There are hundreds of individual licenses required by the State .A barber is only one of them . Look them up you'll be amazed what the government has control of. As a licensed Residential Builder in the State of Michigan , am I going to have the police visit me because I repaired the neighbors steps with no charge during this lock down? What are they going to come up with next. Totally a bull shit power grab, do as I say or else!!!!!!!
I agree stump, it's unbelievable. A license is required for almost every profession except Governor, Legislator or politician
List of required licenses by the State of Michigan
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