On April 5th, a local citizen, Dianne Seelhoff, sent off a letter to the mayor. likely an E-mail, with her thoughts on the proposed splash pad park and its proposed location in Copeyon Park.  It is included as an FYI to the councilors at the back of the April 10, 2017 city council packet.  She raises quite a few points that haven't really been considered by all the parties involved in making this a reality.  Some of them, I haven't even considered. 

Rather than rigorously support or critique her analysis, I offer it up here in it's entirety for your appraisal.  Ms. Seelhoff has lived in the Fourth Ward for several years on South Washington, not very far from the entrance to Copeyon Park, so it is likely her observations are firsthand.  Please comment on what you think of her views and concerns, and submit any thoughts you may have.

The next day she rechecked her figures and sent the mayor and councilors a corrected cost memo:

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Don't you know that it's bad form to be a member of one website and then advertise for another website that you help manage?  Am I going to have to take your Ludington Torch badge away (feigned outrage)!?

Don't worry, in a private message I alerted her to the fact that some on that Facebook group would benefit from her viewpoint.  Knowledge and wisdom yearns to be shared-- like cute kitten videos.

Um, no? Didn't advertise just did not see an alternative to ask her to join! The more the merrier, strength in numbers! Both sites grow by being united, not separated. Sorry to have offended.

Location, Location, Location  the first rule of Real Estate and Splash Pads.

Copeyon Park is at best a marginal location for a splash pad. Between the geese issue, butting up against a chemical factory and being a shady location it is a less than a desireable location . Well part of the shade issue has been addressed in a rather heavy handed and premature manner. No, there are better locations. 

As Willy suggested Stearns Park would be one. 

The area south of Loomis Street between the Maritime Museum and the fish cleaning facility would be great. Only problem there would be increased noise to local residents.

An out of the way spot would be the vacant area by the older water tower bordered by Lakeview Street and Gaylord Avenue. A good location but boring seeing as there is nothing else there.

Another unsuitable location would be the vacant lot off Dowland Street that was once  considered as a location for the fire station. Again far from ideal. Seedy area.

Perhaps the best location would be by the playground north of the West End Scheme. Ideal Spot. Sunny. Protected. No Geese. No noise issue. Plenty of parking. 

The only problem here would be the inflated egos of the people who conceived the West End Scheme. Their precious egos might be bruised as their dreams for ruining this area are laid to rest.  Poor babies.  

Stearns Park locations were rejected because of the drifting sand issue making maintenance difficult, though I think it could work well where they plan on putting all those maritime relics in the southwest corner of the park.  Problem there is the egos of the Historical Society and/or USCG guys losing their territory.  Easy drain into the inlet, no drifting sand in that area, good thing for our family-oriented visitors coming in and going out on the SS Badger to see. 

The old Dow Field area in the Fourth Ward may not be all that bad in theory, but it will be downplayed by most who remember when the initial skate park went in near there and was abandoned due to the city deciding that it would be better in Stearns Park.  It's better than Copeyon, IMO for several reasons.

There is a splash pad near me at Partridge Creek mall, an open air mall that is upscale and allows leashed pets. One problem these have brought in is from pedophiles, perverts, and creepers! Where ever it goes I hope for police or security presence or a minimum of many security cameras! Added costs....

Rejecting Stearns Park because of drifting sand is a somewhat mute point since a Splash Pad should be hosed down daily before opening for operation.

Unless the sand at Stearns Park is special sand and can withstand the force of a fire hose washing, I fail to see this as an issue.

Of course the splash pad's  function and location would jeopardize  the vaulted plans and egos of the West End Schemers so they have to come up with some sort of phony reasoning why this is a bad location.

I would like to know how 1 gallon could contain so many cubic feet. I measured a 1 gallon can of of paint thinner, a milk jug was to disportioned   and it was 6 1/2 x 4 x 9 = 234.    12 x 12 x12 =1728 cubic inches =  1 cubic foot. I would have to get a bigger refrigerator if I needed to get a cubic foot of milk .

You inverted your units in your original statement, Stump.  One cubic foot holds nearly 7.5 gallons.  One cubic shoe holds a little over one cubic foot if a cubic sock is used.

It's on FB, Facebook Dianne, and it's called "Concerned Locals" of Ludington. Jennifer is the creator and host, she had a fabulous idea last spring on this, thanks.

Diane... Thank you again for more input and modified letter.

Here's a link to the Facebook group... It's a "public group" so even if your not a member of FB or the Concerned Locals-Ludington group you should be able to view.


There's also extra wear and tear maintenance of the park and it's bathroom facilities.  Not even sure how those bathrooms are set-up and if they're family oriented.

So much that wasn't, isn't, thought of thru this project....... like many city ideas.

Yes... "city" has gone to their heads... and wallets.  ..Remember when it was more of a "town"....

The 6 figure city manager and community development director push the grants, which brings in funds for the unwanted, unsupported projects.  Along with a percentage of grant for city wallet, and if I recall, a percentage for the CDD too. (XLFD...?)

Heard that Shay returns some emails, but not so much from any councilors.  Try sending to councilors, but CC to Shay, ...maybe... if they see that he sees it also, maybe, possibly, by chance, you'll get a response.


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