The new and improved stay-at-home executive order has been passed by both houses in the legislature-- just kidding about that, it was made unilaterally by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer without any type of oversight.  Saturday, April 11th was the first day the new restrictions took place and I have to admit that I took a few liberties with her martial laws.  Rather than admit my lawlessness on Saturday, and potentially face one of her goon squads, I will relate what I did the prior day, before any of the new restrictions took effect.  I will be focusing always on the dangers posed to my fellow Michiganders to illustrate the absurdity of thinking that following these arbitrary dictates is making me or anybody around me any safer.  

Quarantine v. 2.0 Eve (April 10, 2020) Activity/Location log:

Midnight to 2 AM:  Computer time alone with radio in background at Pine St. residence. (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: yes)

2 AM to 2:15 AM:  Bicycle ride to Dowland St. residence (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: NO, travel between residences is not permissible, sec 7(b)(3))

2:15 AM:  Arrived at Dowland, prepared to sleep there with pets (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: NO, staying at a secondary residence is not permissible, sec 2)

9:30 AM to 9:45 AM:  After waking up, morning chores, pedaled to Pine St residence (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: NO, travel between residences is not permissible, sec 7(b)(3))

9:45 AM:  Arrived at Pine (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: Yes) picked up some branches in the yard (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: NO, yard work is not allowed unless it sustains or protects life,sec. 1))

9:55 AM to 12:30 PM:  Breakfast, computer time, all by myself (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: yes)

12:30 PM:  Brother arrives (Virus Spread Danger: minimal, Lawful: NO, this is not his residence)

1:00- 1:15 PM:  As planned, just us two travel to his acreage in order to harvest some wood and do other spring tasks not considered essential (Virus Spread Danger: minimal, Lawful: NO, this is also not his legal residence)

1:15 - 6:45 PM:  We harvest and transport wood to our 'processing' area (Virus Spread Danger: minimal, Lawful: NO, the use of an ATV to haul our trailer seems to be impermissible, since it's little more than a motorcycle, and it's not being used for essential tasks).

7:00 PM:  We drop by Ludington's Meijers' on the way back to pick up some food supplies, there are plenty of people there (Virus Spread Danger: moderate to high, Lawful: Yes)

7:20 PM:  Dropped by Uptown Wesco to get gas and get beverages inside (Virus Spread Danger: moderate, Lawful: Yes) 

7:30 PM:  Dropped off at Pine Street  (Virus Spread Danger: minimal, Lawful: NO, this is not my brother's residence)

7:30 PM to Midnight:  Computer time and entertainment time alone at Pine St.  (Virus Spread Danger: 0, Lawful: yes)

I count eight times that I and/or my brother violated the law that day.  Each time the chance for virus spread was non-existent unless it were to happen between us.  The only time there was a moderate or greater chance of catching or spreading the virus was when we both were doing lawful activities.  Think about that:  following Gretchen Whitmer's arbitrary laws put us in danger, breaking the law kept us out of harm's way.

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Thanks for taking a practical look at the situation. If people would just use their heads they would see what a farce this is. Your pictures of the grocery store and fisherman says it all. Also,Good job on photoshopping that picture of Whitmer. Love the Gretchen sign at the bottom. You have many talents for a previously banned City Haller. The absurdity is over whelming  when it comes to using common sense by the people in charge and the public in general. It's a good thing Vansiclke is not on Whitmer's enforcement team, we would really be in trouble.

I think a lot of people are catching on to the insanity of it all, your declaration that you will celebrate Easter in a safe matter but with your own rules is common.  We need to develop a herd immunity to big government solutions proposed by our governor, otherwise this crisis will continue at least through November.  You may see a remarkable change of behavior by that point if they don't disenfranchise the electorate with electronic remote or mail-in voting, a recipe for voter fraud.

The bottom sign is one of my originals, but I can't take credit for the other two.

Hope your having a Happy Easter everyone.  Even though our government is using its power to oppress us, we may find ourselves able to once again rise from the presumed dead, sort of like what is attributed to a historic figure who reportedly un-died on this day.

 About 2000 years ago a guy named Jesus violated the Roman Government's order to stay in tomb.

With all the Governors new rules on small business oppression . I hope someone is watching her residence to see if someone is doing lawn care or yard work . I would say if a lawn care business shows up I would encourage every lawn care business in the state to file a class action lawsuit against her personally.   She truly is a wack job.

shinblind, good find. I do believe she would even look good in a full beard.

Praying that our governor could have righteous judgment rather than authoritarian rule. The Operation Gridlock is huge and whitler seems trying to ignore it, hearing reports that it has been backed up to Brighton (40 miles away).

WOW FS, 40 miles long? WOW, that should WAKE UP LANSING Politicos today for sure.

I was following it live on Operation Gridlock and posts were coming from people backed up on the freeway, first saying all the way from Howell and then slowing from Brighton. Many shutdown companies sent conveys of trucks to Lansing in protest. I hope Whitmer gets the message to balance the risk.


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