I wonder if this was some premeditated plot to drop all the corruption and fraud onto Kay's lap?

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Seems to me the only thing the mayor did there was run a meeting and say, yay, nay, all opposed! What a waste! This is John Shays mess, not the young man moving on! He is the smart one. If the council was smart they would all quit and be taken over by the state. The huge mess/mismanagement there is sickening!

Xlfd needs to be put in place to make things right, these guys........

This may possibly be more appropriate in the "X marks the Spot" article, but have you noticed that the leaders of Ludington are behaving like rats abandoning a sinking ship?   Consider: 

1) Mayor Cox gives up his mayor position to move out of town, so that he can live in a bigger house.  Plenty of big houses in Ludington for sale, some real big houses that were once apartment houses are up for sale at nice prices, because of the city council's actions of last year.  Some big ones on the avenue up for sale because they fear the never-ending push for a Historic District there.  These aren't good enough for Mayor Cox's new and growing family?

2)  City Manager John Shay had a proposed charter amendment that would allow him to move outside the city limits to live; he advocated for it and seemed visibly upset at the meeting where it was denied being put on the ballot by Councilor Holman's 'no' vote.  Does John Shay not want to live in the city that he manages so 'wonderfully'?  Apparently not. 


And she's done with the board completely at years end due to term limits right?  So they could push issues on her and gone by years end.

Cox probably knew back then that he was close to moving out, and "loving" his job, wouldn't he urge, plead, Kay to vote for a proposal that in turn could be arranged to be used for him too, so he could keep his position?   Seems they always vote together, for each other.  With this CC, I was surprised it didn't pass.

(And it still irks me of Kay's comments on WLDN interview that she was working with Shay to keep duties from her CAL position and combine them with MPT.)

I thought that Michigan cities cannot require employees to live in the cities where they work Even if they are under a contract. Elected officials are exempt from this act but Shay should qualify. Act 212 of 1999, RESIDENCY OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES

X is she a Councilor and Mayor pro tem or is she now only the Mayor pro tem?  Could you post a link to the City ordinance that covers this situation?

Mayor Kay is just another yes person, a little puppy that just follows along fat dumb and happy. She also won;t do anything about Shay, she don't have the Balls LOL

In a way her move to mayor is a good one for the people since that will effectively remove her from having any significant influence over the citizens. That's 1 anti-constitutionalist down with many more to go.

According to the city charter, the mayor pro tem still gets a vote but cannot cast the mayor's tiebreaking vote in case there is a councilor absent and the vote is tied 3-3.  The motion in that case would automatically fail.  There is nothing that disallows her from joining in the discussion either.  She is still around and will be as 'humble' as ever with her new title.


How does the mayor elect get nominated?  She's done at years end with CAL and MPT correct?  ..for now.

Doesn't the resignation of Cox force a November ballot box vote for a new Mayor? I know the Mayor pro-tem would fill in till the New Year, but after that, who becomes the new Mayor? I believe the city council needs to address this issue for a November vote on who should be the new Mayor. If there is any way that the female Sasquatch would remain there, I would be very upset, and so should you guys.

Good question Aquaman. We all know Shay will be wheeling and dealing behind the scenes to have a person that he approves of to fill the Mayors position.

Wouldn't there just be an election like for city council? Then X could run for mayor.  Or is that time elapsed for running for mayor?

The time for running for Mayor can't elapse if the current holder of the office decided to quit after the April deadline would be my thoughts. This should be a special election situation. Using the same excuse as the 4th ward of having to appoint a Mayor doesn't wash either. It should be an elected position, unless of course the current Mayor had major health issues or died in office. Of course there is always the same lame excuse of special election costs that they could claim prohibitive? Well, that's another phony agenda too imho. Let the new Mayor be elected is what I say, picked by the people, and have a primary in August to determine at least one or two candidates that would run, if not more if interested. 


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